4 answers
Does experience in computer science help with pursuing medical school?
I am trying to decide if I should take some computer science classes in college. #science #computer #tech
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4 answers
Prashad’s Answer
Learning some basics about coding is essential for any job and it will come in handy indirectly. However I don't think it will be of use specifically for medical school and your job prospects in that field directly.
Gregory’s Answer
As a former biomedical engineer I can say that computers and medicine are forever intertwined and getting more so each year. Just take a look at what they are doing with virtual surgery, 3D display and printers. What ever allows you to understand the technology and use it with be a boost to you.
Carl’s Answer
Hi Prashad, that's not a bad route to go. Physicians have undergraduate degrees in a variety of disciplines that help mold their analytical thinking. I've gone to school with individuals with degrees in biology, chemical engineering, and civil engineering. They are all successful physicians today. View it in terms of the perspective you would like to bring to the medical field.