I am majoring in art but i haven't narrowed it down from there yet. What major in art would be the best career wise?
I like all kind of art and I am not sure if I want to major in design, or graphic art or visual art. There are so many different branches in the art field. I am not sure which would be best. #art #fine-art #fine-arts
4 answers
Ellen’s Answer
It depends what kind of career you want...a stable one that brings in a steady income with benefits, or a career that is less secure but with more artistic freedom.
If you want a stable career then I would suggest going into some sort of graphic design. You could work for a company that has graphic design needs (think book publishers, retail operations, advertising agencies, large businesses) designing packaging, advertising materials, posters, books, web pages and so on. Once you are established, you could also break away and become a freelance designer. There are lots of possibilities! If you want this route, I strongly suggest you do an internship in graphic design somewhere. It can be a difficult field to break into. Talk to your art teachers.
If you are not so much into graphic design, and you want a career that focuses more on fine visual art, then you could consider teaching at the elementary, secondary or college level. Working for a school system traditionally has had a lot of benefits (steady income with yearly raises, health insurance, plus summers off when you can do your art) I found my career in teaching art to be very satisfying, and I loved being able to share my passion for art with kids everyday. Again talk to your art teachers or the education department at your school.
Then there is the less secure art career of doing your own art and selling it to galleries. You'll probably need a "day job" for this art career, but you could also be very successful, depending on your talent, drive, and luck.
Hope this is helpful.
Michael’s Answer
Do you like to make your own rules or do you like to follow the rules set forth by others?

Marilyn Balke-Lowry
Marilyn’s Answer
Design and graphic design are very competitive fields. Check with your local high school counselor and colleges in your area to see who has the strongest program, and see how their hiring statistics look. Also it ;depends upon what you want to do as a career and where you are in the high school process (what grade). New programs open up all the time. Keep current, and don't be afraid to ask those in the field currently.
Marilyn Balke-Lowry