What classes would be beneficial to take in college for a degree in the Marine Biology and Oceanography field?
I want to know what classes professionals in the field have found most helpful throughout college and into their careers. #college #career #science #marine-biology #oceanography
3 answers
Cassandra’s Answer

Janine Kafouros Bartling
Janine’s Answer
Your college will have classes that are required for your major (whether it is marine biology or oceanography). Depending on what you interest is within those large categories, the most helpful class will vary.If you are interested in the ocean itself, chemistry and physics may be the most helpful. If you are interested in animals, biological oceanography, anatomy, and ecology classes may be the most relevant. Conservation classes are also offered at many schools, focusing on real-world issues and ways in which to solve them. Since I work with animals, I found the courses on marine mammals, behavior, conservation, and ecology to be the most helpful. I also have to monitor water, so chemistry and math have been necessary in my job as well. In deciding your area of interest, you will be able to decide what classes will be helpful for your career as well.
Ken’s Answer
Hi Meagan!
The best way for you to get that information would be to talk to people who are working in that area and take advantage of coop and ntern and volunteer and shadowing programs that might be available in your area. Here is a good place to start:
Here are some schools that might provide the type of education that you are seeking:
Best of luck. Please keep me informed. I would like to follow your progress!