How quickly after college did you locate viable employment in the Construction Management field?
I will be a college freshman on August 19, 2016. For as many years as I can recall, I have planned to be an Engineer. After several job shadows last summer, I am now unsure about being trapped at a desk for 40+ hours a week. I still have a propensity for math/engineering and that area of study. After reviewing the majors available at my college, I discovered Construction Management. I am looking for additional insight on this career. #construction-management #career #construction #Business #college #career-counseling
2 answers
Lori’s Answer
If you do not, walk or drive around your city. If you see a project under construction there is typically a sign that states the construction company. From that, find a contact on LinkedIn and express your interest to see if you can meet them to discuss a career in the industry. People are eager to help eager young people.
Have a great reason why you want to go into this field.
Jeff’s Answer
As for me, like I said, I too didn't want a desk job. I was naturally good at math/science and enjoy engaging with people and trying to solve business problems. While I was in my junior year of college I went to my advisor and shared my tied-to-a-desk concern about engineering and also my other passions - she recommended I get a business marketing degree. I did that and did a paid internship my junior/senior year in the field I'm in now. That gave me the confidence back then that I was on the right path for me.
I hope this helps. You're wise to think about the kind of work you want to do and the environment you want to work in.