How to be an outstanding candidate when applying for jobs?
I have just graduated from college and looking for a job. I understand that the job market is tougher this time to make matters worse some say there might be a recession coming. I try to put the best in my CV and resume and tailor them to a particular company I send it to. Other than work experience, academic projects, co-curricular activities, voluntary activities, testimonials and recommendations from my professors is there anything else that would look good in my resume. Unfortunately my GPA isn't high and that puts me in disadvantage. The candidates that get selected for the job I want have accomplished something great in the respective areas mentioned above. However, I was not an active member in clubs and societies and my final year project was not among those selected for poster session despite the hardwork. Poster session is where you display and present your project to the public in campus. The only thing I am good at is my hobbies. I understand that seeking employment would take time for me. I would appreciate if you could provide any advice on this matter. #college #resume #employment #resume-writing #skills #job-market
4 answers
Sara’s Answer
You're asking all of the right questions, and it sounds like you're putting the right content on your CV. The trick is in how your describe your work and academic experience. As much as you can, use numbers in your descriptions - quantify the impact that you made particularly for work experience. Did you increase productivity, reduce costs, increase revenue? (Be careful not to reveal anything confidential.) Be as descriptive as you can and use language that will resonate with the job you're applying for. While you're job hunting, think about what else you can be involved in that would help you build skills or help you to network. Consider joining a professional organization or a volunteering organization. Active involvement in these types of organizations can set you apart as well as help you meet people who may be able to help you get a job someday. Also make sure that your LinkedIn profile is up to date. Most recruiters actively use LinkedIn to find candidates. The reality is, it's a tough job market right now so don't get frustrated. It may take time to get the job that you want. Don't be afraid to leverage your network. Reach out to people you know who are in the industry that you're interested in and ask them for introductions. It can be uncomfortable, but most people are happy to help. The worst they can say is no. It's worth a try!

Carole Curtis
Carole’s Answer
1. Have a one page resume with the key words listed on that resume. Key words are the one that the reader looks for and you can put many of the in your Qualifications Area and make sure that area is the first on the list.
2. Now is when you should be volunteering somewhere that you may be able to enhance the skills you already have or something that will help you get a job, and put in on your resume in Volunteer Work Area. That shows that you want to gain more knowledge and experience and are willing to go the extra mile.
3. Networking is very important to get a job or just to volunteer. Maybe you can join a group of some sort that you are interested in or will give you more insight in the area that you would like to work in.
4. You said you had a poster where you present your project to the public on campus. You can state that on your resume, but don't say you weren't selected. Just say you entered a project for the public to see. You really don't have to have something that is special to get hired, but when you interview you must have knowledge about the company that you are interviewing with and must do some research on this. You also must look proper in clean clothes (no jeans or funny shoes, and be able to answer the questions you are asked.
5. This brings up another point: there are books in book store or amazon for interviewing and resume writing and the also will give you trial questions for you to study and have someone you know interview you so you will be more comfortable. Interviewing is a game to some interviewers and you must be prepared for all questions. Saying just a yes or no to their questions shows that you do not know much on what they asked and that is a breaker point for getter the job.
6. Along with volunteering you might also want to take another class that you didn't take that would increase your knowledge towards what you want to do.
7. Remember they are looking for the best candidate for the job and it is not always because of grades or activities, but if you show that you are always learning and trying to better yourself, that could be your ACCOMPLISHMENT that makes you stand out from the others.
Adeleke’s Answer
2. Highlight your accomplishments that are relevant to the job even if the accomplishments come from volunteering
3. Match your skills to the job requirements/description
4. Know what you bring to the position and how it helps the company
5. Confidence is key
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