How can I incorporate engineering with an entrepreneurial degree?
I have interests in engineering as well as entrepreneurship. #engineering #entrepreneur
2 answers
Ken’s Answer
hi Carter!
You asked a very important question.
Here are several perspectives on the topic:
Nicole’s Answer
At a high level, completing a journey in obtaining an engineering degree has a lot to do with building problem solving skills. For sure, there are many tools that can be used to problem solve but it takes an understanding of what tools to use when. In other words, one of the biggest opportunities and, indeed, a very important overlap between entrepreneurship and engineering is being able to clarify where a problem exists and how to solve it...and then actually solving it :).
Some tools that are used towards completing and engineering degree include the successful completion of the types of courses you will take like calculus, physics, statistics and some others (depending on the engineering discipline)..but there are other types of tools including your ability to collaborate, communicate and remain focused on finding and solving a problem. Working with teammates and partners who exhibit similar areas of focus will also be useful.
I wish you and others like you the very best in your desire to become a successful entrepreneur.