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I’m on my final year in bachelor of computer science and I’m having a cgpa of 3.1 . What should I do after graduate?

I think I already ruined my future . Is there anything I can do to become a developer? #bachelors-degree #computer-science #jobs

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15 answers

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Scott’s Answer

Honestly, I don't think your GPA matters as much as your ability to show what you know. If you can show examples of work that you've done or applications you've built, that will impress employers more than a GPA. And, by examples, I'm talking about the actual code. Have your code available in a repository that you can share with future employers. And be sure that you can communicate what your code is doing.

Also, a great resource that will help you prepare for developer interviews is (I don't work for them, I have just heard it's a great resource).

If you can show an employer what you know and work hard to prepare for your developer interviews I think your future looks very bright.

Scott recommends the following next steps:

Create public repositories of code you've written to show what you know
Study for developer interviews with a resource like
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Kaan’s Answer

Let me answer the question from more of a technical perspective. First, forget about the GPA.

Go for the subject or field you have passion for or just you like the most. Lets take programming. What languages you learned and which is your favorite, which one do you like more, or more proficient at? Java, C/C++, Python, SQL? Have you done any scripting? How about Javascript along with a little bit web development? Any lab assignments, class projects, intern work? Do you like databases or networking more? Algorithms? Do you remember shortest path, how about bubble sort?

Apply for jobs that require what you are good at the most and/or passion for. Show that in the interviews. Sometimes willingness is valued a lot more than experience. For instance if you are good at or just love Java, go for it, apply for Java development positions at the entrance level. If there is no entrance language requirement then see if it is more like database programming, network programming, or more heavy on algorithms and analysis. If it is what you are go for it, tell the employer about what you can do in that field. Lets say the role requires good SQL knowledge along with some high level language that does not matter that much. If you are the SQL person, use it, tell them and show them what you did and if given the opportunity what miracles :) you can create with it. Most of the time, combination of these are necessary but if you can prove your strength in one of them, you can be assigned to that piece and then grow into others once you are landed on the job.

Good luck!
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Mufhim’s Answer

Awesome answers here.

Additional points from me:
1. It will be useful to have broad knowledge rather than knowing one thing deeply. You don't need to be an expert or apt at every single thing, but just know enough to have a conversation about it with someone. So try to broaden your knowledge. Being a "T"-shaped person will help give you an edge. Even if you focus on a specific discipline like FE, having broad knowledge into other disciplines help you to talk to other people and be a better collaborator. (

2. Learn how to bring down complex problems. As a dev (and any field really), you will have very big outcomes. Think about how to break those down into specific parts. These types of soft skills will help you analyze, manage, organize and prioritize things better.

Hope this helps. All the best!
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Arvinth’s Answer

Like the others have said, your CGPA does not determine your future! In fact I graduated with a computer science degree with a lower CPGA than you and am now working as a Software Engineer at Salesforce.

If software development is something you are truly interested in, focus on doing side projects and attending virtual hackathons. Thats how I learned most of the software development skills I have today. I'd say my undergraduate degree in computer science was a good basis, but the things I did outside of that is what helped me land software development internships and my now full time role.

Apply for jobs that you are passionate about, and express your willingness to learn during your interviews. Software development is about continuously learning, and if you can show that I'm sure you will have no problem landing a good job!

Arvinth recommends the following next steps:

Find a framework or area of software you interested in learning (Flutter, Angular, React, Android Development, etc.)
Start a side project (create a website, iOS app, Android app, etc.)
Attend hackathons
Apply to entry level positions
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Judi’s Answer

Your GPA is not as important to a prospective employer as are your skills and what you have delivered in recent past that has relevance to the job you are applying for (could be class work), volunteer work, or a new certification or a side job.

Also use your personal network. They know your work ethics and can get you an interview that a gpa could never do on its own. It is all about your contacts.

And finally, I’ve interviewed quite a few developers while in past roles and the ones that got the job were persistent (not a stalker), had prepped before the interview to already know what my company delivered, and could speak to how they could successfully perform the job.

You will be just fine!

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Kimberly’s Answer

Not that a GPA of 3.1 is anything to be ashamed of, but I would leave your GPA off of your resume; the college degree shows that you have the commitment to start something and finish it. That's a really important achievement and means something to an employer. The college degree gets you into the interview chair across from a hiring manager - it's up to you to do the rest. Come to the interview prepared. Be ready to answer theoretical questions about when to use different methods or strategies you've learned over the year. Be ready to answer practical questions about how to handle different business situations (responding to email; correcting a customer; soliciting feedback). Be confident; be bold; and be ready to sell yourself. Your degree got you an interview, it's up to you to prove you're the best for the job. I've never made a decision on whether or not to hire a candidate (or interview a candidate) based on their GPA.
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Mohd Fitri’s Answer

Hi Muhammad :)
I used to be HR Manager for many years in one of the big Corporation and now I switched to CSR Manager for Asia Pacific. While doing hiring for my company, we cant avoid looking for computer science graduates because practically all Multi National Corporation will have IT department and computer science graduates are always in the list.

The functions in IT department varies from entry level to advance level. So since you will be graduating, and aiming to be a developer - be open and join one of the IT Department and from there you will be exposed to the type of works for computer science graduates.
CGPA above 3 is just great and don't worry about that.

Importantly, be open and observe the different tasks that all IT related people are doing. Remember, as an entry level you may have to multi task and do all the IT related tasks at the beginning. From there, you will discover what you are good at and what you like to do the best. Be positive and explore your capabilities and give yourself a chance to adventure and things will pick up from there.

Don't worry too much ok because we all will go through this phase on our final year in collage.
So did I and I made it !!! If I can make it, YOU TOO CAN !!!

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Sunny’s Answer

Hi Muhammad,

I think you are doing a great job on finishing your degree. I have heard math courses in computer science degree are very difficult and you are almost in the home stretch. That proves that you are persistent and resilient in challenging situations. Once you graduate, you can expand your dreams to become a developer.

There are a lot of opportunities for software developers in a job market. I would suggest to join the job fair or honor societies to gather more information about your jobs. Especially honor society is a great place to meet professionals and find prospective job opportunities.

I wish you all the best!
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Zhe’s Answer

Hi Muhammad,

To become a developer, GPA is not the most important thing. Coding skills are more important than GPA. You should have a good knowledge in data structure and algorithm. You can go to websites like leetcode, focus on only one programming language to solve these problems. After finish around 2-3 hundreds of the problems on leetcode, you will become an expert in this language and get a deeper understand of algorithms and data structures. These are the more import things when you have an developer interview.

Wish you the best!
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kim’s Answer

Focus on you and your path. When meeting perspective employers -- be honest and share the steps you have taken to move forward. It is an important life skill to be able to move past setbacks - especially setbacks of our own making. Own your mistakes but always look forward. I agree with Jennifer L's next steps.
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Soh-Ling’s Answer

The fact that you care about your future, you are not ruining it. Based on the answers from others, you should know by now that result may be something to start your professional career, but it's not everything.
To me, you have a good degree as your ticket to entry to computer related industry. While developer is a good profession to be in, however, you may want to keep your option open.
Given current economic situation, it may not easy to find so call "dreamt" job that you could think of now, I encourage you to explore different jobs related to IT/Computer industry available in the market, be flexible to explore and accept different experiences. I am sure that you will find the right profession for yourself one day.

All the best.
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Josiah’s Answer

Do not focus on your grades but rather focus on your path and doing good projects to show your skills. Companies only really look at GPA for internships and honestly it's only a small percentage of companies for internships that will consider your GPA. So you have nothing to worry about because experience and knowledge makes you a developer not grades.
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Elizabeth (Lizzie)’s Answer

At many companies, GPA does not matter. I did not tell companies what my GPA was when I applied, and I kept it off my LinkedIn and resume. Just keep practicing for technical interviews, practicing LeetCode and Cracking the Coding Interview, and building projects for your GitHub. Recruiters and employers will be impressed by what you can build.
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Ed’s Answer

You definitely haven't ruined your future with that GPA. The question is - do you still want to stay in computer science? Do you have a passion for it? This is one of the most highly sought after job professions, so being able to show your skills in a particular area should land you a good job. Note that some company filters may knock you off the list with a lower GPA. That is OK. Find folks in the industry. Find a recruiter on linked in that might be looking for new hires. Go to some hackathons and get to know some folks there and look for some word of mouth openings, or win the hackathon and make a name for yourself, and put it on your resume.

Ed recommends the following next steps:

Work with a career counselor at your college
Participate in some hackathons and continue to build your skills
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Jennifer L.’s Answer

Hi, Muhammad,

First of all, you definitely did not ruin your future; it is bright and still ahead of you. Second, your GPA matters less to an employer than the skills you bring to the table.

Focus on your passion; and if it is in software development, build upon that. What experience do you have at this point? If none, perhaps speak with your college counselor on what opportunities there are to gain that experience. Talk to people you know in the field - ask for side projects. Speak with a trusted professor.

Rarely do associates work in the field in which they studied directly. Show your passion; bring your enthusiasm and do what you love in your career.

Jennifer L. recommends the following next steps:

Speak with a trusted professor or career counselor at school
Seek opportunities that fuel your passion for software development