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Sunny H’s Avatar

Sunny H

Business and Financial Operations Occupations
United States
48 Answers
78157 Reads
142 Karma

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Marissa’s Avatar
Marissa Dec 22, 2020 996 views

How much time do college students spend time on studying?


Mary’s Avatar
Mary Dec 16, 2020 1116 views

What advice do you have for someone like me? What steps should I take for a better future?

Hi, my name is Mary J, and I am a freshman at Florida State College at Jacksonville. I am in the process of completing my Associate's Degree before attempting a four-year degree. Being the first college student in my family and coming from a different country. I have found it difficult to...

grace’s Avatar
grace Dec 17, 2020 6823 views

I'm a marketing major in my 3rd year - but I loved my accounting class! How do I know which to major in?

I am currently a third year student in marketing. I switched to marketing at the beginning of my third year, so the business classes were knew to me. I will be graduating late. I took accounting 1 this fall and I absolutely loved it - which is weird for me to say. I didn't know anything about...

shira’s Avatar
shira Dec 18, 2020 1242 views

shira denise mcshan

how can you become engaged in the career you love? #career-choice #careers

Joy Kathleen M.’s Avatar
Joy Kathleen M. Dec 13, 2020 606 views

how can i get a job

i'm joy katleen alcantara 17yld
i'm just a simple girl
#jobs #caring #pro

Eloy’s Avatar
Eloy Dec 07, 2020 813 views

How should I customize my basic resume for shuttle driver - epic mountain express

#Resume #jobs

Hannah’s Avatar
Hannah Dec 02, 2020 600 views



Trinity’s Avatar
Trinity Nov 24, 2020 902 views

In order to make society and the economy become beneficial for all of the human race, what is one major ethical step we have to accomplish together to reach this goal?

I am 18 years old and I live in Riverview, Florida with my family. I love to play softball, volunteer at little league softball and baseball complexes, and hang with friends. My end goal in life is to make the world a safer and better place to live in for everyone. I want to spread love,...

Nicholas’s Avatar
Nicholas Nov 25, 2020 728 views

If you had six months of free time between college graduation and your first job, what would you do during it?

Right now I have the great opportunity of having the months between January and June completely free as I allocated this time to travel and explore between college graduation and my first job. However, travel is looking unlikely due to the pandemic. I'd like to try and find a few things to do...

Gulab’s Avatar
Gulab Nov 13, 2020 633 views

Is easy to get a job for international students in North America?

What are the main hurdles they may have to face to get to the job according to their study field?
#GivingsCare #knowledge #job #field #career

Rasya’s Avatar
Rasya Nov 18, 2020 1309 views

What are the best ways to stand out in the college admissions process?

I have good grades and extracurriculars but is there something else I could do to really boost my application?

#college #collegeadmissions #business #finance #ivyleague #GivingisCaring

Savannah’s Avatar
Savannah Nov 24, 2020 2417 views

Why is it so hard to sit down and study for hours?

I myself can sit for maybe an hour or so and studying but that would only be for one subject. I find it hard to focus when I have a lot of work to do. # #career

Josh’s Avatar
Josh Nov 15, 2020 510 views

What is my future career path?

I've always wanted to help people but don't know how I would like to help outers #career-path

Olivia’s Avatar
Olivia Nov 18, 2020 1323 views

What is your best advice for minimizing student debt going into college?

I am currently a junior in high school. This is around the time when I am doing more research on colleges and solidifying my list for visits in the coming months and applications in senior year. #GivingisCaring #college #university #studentdebt

Elaxus’s Avatar
Elaxus Nov 18, 2020 808 views

How much will college tuition range from for in-state students

#giving is caring #givingiscaring #GivingIsCaring #Giving Is Caring