I was curious about how the community would react to this question. In college, I had a roommate that told me a story about how his uncle was in a philosophy class and there was one question on his final exam. The question was the title of the post, why?. How would you react to a question like this if it was the only one on the exam and could make or break your grade in the class? Where would you even start to respond? His uncle answered with, "because" and ended up getting a 90% on the final. #college #psychology #technology #student #philosophy
4 answers
Scott D.’s Answer
This is an urban legend that exists at almost every college that offers a Ph.D. in philosophy.
Kim’s Answer
I'm not so sure this is only a legend. There are plenty of strange professors out there.
My response?
Because I can. And, if not me, then who?

Susan Reitnauer