[closed] What are the benefits to having a life coach?
I would like to ask what the job responsibilities are of life coaches, and what the benefits are to having one on someone's life.
Thank you,
Aimee #leadership #coaching #work-life-balance #life-transitions
4 answers

Paul A Coulter
Paul A’s Answer
Hi Aimee! Here is my shot at answering your fascinating two part question!
The primary function of a Life Coach is to be a proactive resource for individuals who are eager to begin living a more deliberate, intentionally focused, abundant, fulfilled and peaceful life.
Life Coach’s accomplish this by encouraging their clients to become more imaginative, self aware, more self accepting, open-minded and curious by stimulating mindset shifts that empower, energize and nurture their human spirit.
Life Coaches assist you in identifying what’s most important to YOU and help you gain the mindset, as well as the skill-sets, necessary, to live life in a way that is most essential for YOUR well being.
This gives YOU the best shot at being inspired to create an amazing, peaceful, prosperous, joy filled life, while beginning a process of evolving an emotionally, self aware, accepting, intimate relationships with yourself and others.
What Life Coaches want for you is YOU living the “ideal life” you desire the way you want too! Trust this has been helpful! :-) Paul
Pamela’s Answer
Hi Aimee, there is a difference between a mentor and a coach. A mentor will generally provide you with the information and resources and explain how to proceed. A coach will help you uncover the options and resources. A coach will explore your 'wish', goal, what you want to achieve, guide you in understanding what you have already done towards achieving your goal, uncover opportunities to achieving your goal, provide suggestions if you want them, help you formulate a SMART objective, actions and target dates. You and the coach will both agree a cadence of meetings (a 3 month or more period) and you both commit to the actions agreed in every session. It is important to find a coach that you resonate with as some of the exploration can get very personal. Also know that there are coaches with different back grounds and qualifications. Some coaches may have business backgrounds and some may have Psychology backgrounds. It depends what you are looking for,
Phyllis’s Answer
Hi Aimee,
I'm in the process of obtaining my Authentic Leadership Coaching Certification. Here is how I explain the coaching relationship and outline the expectations.
Coaching is a specific process of interaction over a period of time that encourages a shift in who you are, what you do, and how you do it. This respectful, inquiring form of conversation and listening expands your ability to make significant changes, move forward in new areas and have more of what you want in your life. Coaching services are not to be construed as, or a replacement for, psychotherapy, legal counsel, or medical advice.
As your coach, you can expect me to:
o Commit to an open, honest, collaborative coaching relationship.
o Be a partner in bringing out the best, the deepest, and the truest in you.
o Provide safety, encouragement and support—an environment in which you can relax and explore.
o Respect the confidentiality agreement we make, to the extent permitted by law (in an organizational setting, we will also clarify the extent of the confidentiality before beginning the coaching relationship. In the case of a sponsor paying for the coaching, there will be some goal setting by both the sponsor and by you and we must together report to the sponsor periodically.)
o Expand your view of what is possible and promote discovery of new insights.
o Give you input, straight feedback and operate as a sounding board.
o Listen carefully to what you say and ask questions to provoke awareness.
o Be a resource for you to use in accomplishing your goals.
As my client, I expect you to:
o Cultivate a core of honesty with yourself.
o Commit yourself to goals that are truly meaningful and significant to you.
o Experiment with new approaches and practice new behaviors.
o Provide ongoing feedback on whether the coaching is valuable and meeting your needs.
o Be open to hearing my feedback and letting me know whether it fits.
o Take ownership for your progress and accomplishments.
Hope this helps!
Christophe’s Answer
Hi Aimee
To me a life coach will help you to explore ways that You will not think about in particular situations and to help to take a step back to have a more higher or global view on the situation.
He should help to try different approaches , to better organize your agenda , to think positive whatever the situation is , to set up objectives and move forward.
I hope this will help