[closed] With business leadership, what is the negative part of mirroring?
My name is Aimee and I am a business senior major with an interest in administration and a major of management. I think that sometimes people can mirror, or copy the actions of a great leader without even knowing it because of the power, charisma, and skill that someone may have. However, sometimes some leaders crack under pressure and do irresponsible or unethical things like drinking and driving, participating in illegal drugs, and breaking the law. I believe these are some of the horrid actions of leaders and do not wish others to mirror these simply because an action hero in a movie or a police officer did something. Likewise, I remember watching a video and witnessing a police officer shaking his butt all over a teenager. I am afraid that sometimes the abuse of power by authorities may go unchecked. Therefore, I would like to ask: "What is the negative part of mirroring to watch for and not repeat, or to change into something positive?"
I appreciate the help,
Aimee #business-administration #business-management #leadership #ethics
1 answer

Shawn Lloyd
Shawn’s Answer
It's good to mirror good ethical behavior. In order to be effective at mirroring, you first have to make sure you're upholding a high ethical, and moral standard. Any behavior that you wouldn't do in front of your parents, guardian, or someone that you admire like a judge, pastor, professor, or coach, then you want to make sure you don't model that. When you see unethical things coming from a mentor, ask them about it. Don't ever let money or power compromise you from being the best person of high moral and ethical standards you can be.