What are some good colleges to look into if I am interested in computer science and art?
I am deeply invested in the area of computer science, However, I do have an appreciation for the arts. I was wondering what are some good recommendation schools to look into for those fields. Also wondering would it be hard having to adjust your course schedules with both of those fields. I think both of those fields are a good match for each other. #college #computer-science #art #college-advice #academic-advising
3 answers
Sean’s Answer
Hi Gloria,
In my personal experience as a computer science undergrad who dabbles in art and attends art events, I think it depends on how you want to combine the two. Some areas that can combine the two include Visual/Graphics design, UI/UX and computational media. I know Georgia Tech offers a major in Computational Media that is essentially a balance of both. I think something to look at when you visit schools is check out what related clubs are available and explore the surrounding area to see what the art scene is like.
Anna’s Answer
When I was in high school, I also knew I wanted to do computer science (CS) and something else. I ended up choosing University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign because I liked the wide range of CS combination degrees. There are many schools that offer combined degree programs:
* University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign offers several CS+X degree programs like Computer Science+Music: https://cs.illinois.edu/academics/undergraduate/degree-program-options/cs-x-degree-programs
* Northeastern University offers a Computer Science and Media arts degree: https://catalog.northeastern.edu/undergraduate/computer-information-science/computer-information-science-combined-majors/computer-science-media-arts-bs/
* Carnegie Mellon University offers a Bachelor of Computer Science and Arts intercollege degree: https://www.cmu.edu/interdisciplinary/programs/bcsa.html
However, it's important to note that you can choose a different school and chart your own path to combine your interests in both art and computer science.
Anna recommends the following next steps:

Marilyn Balke-Lowry
Marilyn’s Answer
Hi Gloria,
These two areas have a great deal in common, and they allow you to access both sides of your brain. I chose to work at the more left brained organizational skills when I was teaching and counseling, but after retiring , I expanded my brain's right side into the arts. Not being familiar with the curricula at all colleges, and not knowing the area where you are interested in living, I would refer you to your high school counselor for information in your area about college majors and strengths. You mentioned an important concern about whether the required time for extended labs might cause conflicts. I found that my undergrad major presented a conflict when I was selected for the acappella choir. Since I was not a music major, I could not justify all the time I would spend in practice sessions and at concerts since my major had labs a couple of times each week until 5:00. You might have a look at the scheduling to help you make a decision. Perhaps your counselor would have some advice in this area as well. Visit the colleges you are thinking about attending and see how they would evaluate your choices as well.
Best of luck!
Marilyn Lowry