What are the best value colleges for an engineering degree?
I'd like to go to a good school for engineering (it doesn't have to be the best) and spend the least amount of money possible. What good schools are also affordable? Which ones are most likely to give me (a woman interested in aerospace engineering) the most scholarship money? #college #engineering
4 answers
Joanne’s Answer
I don't think there is a 'best' answer for this.
When my son was looking to go to school, some of the better cost options were:
1. in-state (tuition is lower .. and look for a college that will help with internships)
2. Community College to In-State transfer. Once again, you can't beat the cost
3. Local college fairs .. You may not find the best deal there, but you can get information about the type of money you're looking to pay.
Good luck.
Peter’s Answer
The least expensive option for getting a good college education will almost always be the State College or State University in the state where you live. It can be even cheaper if you attend a local community college for your first two years. But if you do this make sure you take courses that will be accepted by the state college/university you intend to transfer to. Otherwise you could easily waste one year, as my son did. Community college counselors should able to guide you in this regard.
Good luck, Pete Sturtevant, PE

Skyler LaBuff
Skyler’s Answer
Sierra - do you happen to live in Austin, TX?
If so, the University of Texas at Austin has a top-10 aerospace program, and Texas A&M University also has a great engineering program including aerospace.
Hook' em Horns!
Simon’s Answer
I agree with Peter Sturtevant. Make sure you talk to the State college or University on the acceptance of the community college courses not just the community college...the community college will tell you anything to get you to take their courses.
As a rule always talk to the person/group/institution receiving the transferred courses.
Good luck, Simon