Is Biochemistry or chemistry a better choice for pre-pharmacy?
I'm thinking of going into pre-pharmacy, and am wondering about best degree choice. #management #leadership
3 answers
Sharla’s Answer
When I first entered college, my major was Chemistry for pre-pharmacy program. I ended up just sticking with chemistry and eventually completely changed paths and ended up in business. I did not consider biochemistry much at the time, but from what I know now, I think Chemistry still provides as solid a background. It also likely opens more career options should your pharmacy plans change, or look to do more. Ultimately, it is a personal decision for how you want to prepare for your program. Look at the curriculum and see what matches best with the programs that you're looking to be accepted. I believe that Chemistry has more biology and mathematics than Biochemistry has chemistry and mathematics. Good luck!
Dinah’s Answer
Rupam’s Answer
If you think you may want employment with just your BS but still want the pharmacy school option, i recommend chemical engineering.