What would it take for you to change to another major if you were unhappy with the one you chose?
I am asking this question because If I was unhappy with it I could change to another major. #pediatrician #pediatric-nursing
2 answers
Dr. Kelly’s Answer
Just a few years ago, I switched my major from K-12 education to homeland security. I discovered that each school and department has its own unique set of requirements. At times, changing your major can be as simple as visiting the registrar's office and filling out a form to declare your new major. However, for some schools and departments, it might involve a more complicated process like re-applying within a specific time frame or even auditioning if you're interested in music or theater.
When I made my switch, I had to write a new essay, and the advising team evaluated certain factors to determine my potential for success in the new field, such as my math and science skills. I had to wait for a few months for the whole process to be completed.
At that time, I wasn't really satisfied with the university's course structure which required me to attend three classes per week. Plus, the university was located in a city with one of the highest crime rates in the state. So, I decided it would be easier to choose a school that I genuinely wanted to attend, where I loved the curriculum, and where I could graduate at an accelerated pace, all without the influence of my parents or peers.
I would recommend anyone considering a major change to also consider exploring options at other schools. It's important to choose a place that's the best fit for you.

Daniela Silva
Daniela’s Answer
Hi Kylee,
This kind of thing is completely normal to happen. Almost every person has ever think and change of career, occupation, academic course, etc.
With me was not different. I started my career in a psycologic´s course when I realize that my real abilitie was in education career, specially helping others with learning questions and professional doubts.
My personal advice is feel free to change your mind in order to get the best course, career and strategy that fits better with your dreams, goals and purposes.
I hope this testimonial can help you.
Best of luck!