2 answers
Studying law online
Hi!Have someone taken a law course online?Where and what is your experience with it?What about GDL?Is it a better option? #law #lawyer #law-enforcement #law-school #attorney
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2 answers
Harold’s Answer
Well, studying law online will work on a few courses, but having a person to ask real live questions, remains very important.
Desiree’s Answer
I strongly encourage you to investigate whether this is an accredited manner to learn the law in your country. If you are just taking a business degree (or anything other than law) and want some law courses to help you understand the implication of law on your major, then that's probably not an issue. However, legal education to become a practicing attorney is usually tightly regulated by countries/states. Just because an on-line course is offered, doesn't necessarily mean it will qualify you to be an attorney. Please look into this carefully before you pay for any on-line courses.
If your goal is to become an attorney, research the educational requirements of the local regulators (e.g., the Bar Association or Professional license dept of the local government)
If your goal is to become an attorney, confirm whether the on-line course meets those local requirements.
Desiree recommends the following next steps: