5 answers
How do I figure out what I should do
I’m a hard worker, andI could do many things. #sports #athletic #mechanic #construction #beingactive
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5 answers
Jessica’s Answer
Hi. Speak to a school guidance counselor and attend workshops. Your school might have college and career day. Think about your hobbies. Take advantage of opportunities and network.
Good luck!
Good luck!
Harry’s Answer
Seek council from those who do the work you are interested in. Don’t think just about the money. Make decisions on where you will be happy and where you truly want to contribute. Listen to your hart. Look at the career path, is it going to take you where you want to go?
Heidi’s Answer
Hey there!
It's fantastic that you have many hobbies and interests in future career paths, and I know that it can also be overwhelming to be interested in many things at once too! If there is a guidance counselor at your school, you can chat with them about future career paths. To narrow down your options, I'd encourage you to make a list of your likes and interests, then try to match it with a career.
It's fantastic that you have many hobbies and interests in future career paths, and I know that it can also be overwhelming to be interested in many things at once too! If there is a guidance counselor at your school, you can chat with them about future career paths. To narrow down your options, I'd encourage you to make a list of your likes and interests, then try to match it with a career.
Tiffanie’s Answer
Hi Zayde,
This is such a good question and honestly one most of us are still trying to figure out, even with fulltime careers.
This answer is probably going to be different for everyone, some people are great at math and science so that points them in a certain direction. Some people need to actually work a job before they discover it is really what they want. From there you can fine-tune your true career goals.
I think you should do what you like and see where that takes you, be open-minded to new experiences and different fields and you never know where you might end up.
I thought I wanted to be a nurse so I volunteered at a hospital for a few months, I quickly learned that I did not want to do that full time. Maybe yous should volunteer at a boys and girls club as a coach and see if you might like being a personal trainer, gym coach, gym teacher etc. You can also get a part-time job in construction or manufacturing, or connect with someone on Linkedin in that field and ask them for advice about the field.
This is such a good question and honestly one most of us are still trying to figure out, even with fulltime careers.
This answer is probably going to be different for everyone, some people are great at math and science so that points them in a certain direction. Some people need to actually work a job before they discover it is really what they want. From there you can fine-tune your true career goals.
I think you should do what you like and see where that takes you, be open-minded to new experiences and different fields and you never know where you might end up.
I thought I wanted to be a nurse so I volunteered at a hospital for a few months, I quickly learned that I did not want to do that full time. Maybe yous should volunteer at a boys and girls club as a coach and see if you might like being a personal trainer, gym coach, gym teacher etc. You can also get a part-time job in construction or manufacturing, or connect with someone on Linkedin in that field and ask them for advice about the field.
Jessica’s Answer
Talking with your school counselor is a great place to start. You could also gain a better understanding of your personality and the types of careers that suit someone with your personality type by taking the free Myers Briggs personality test at https://www.16personalities.com/ . Once you know your Myers Briggs personality type, there are a lot of different websites like https://www.truity.com/ that provide more insights and guidance about the best types of careers for your personality. The root of who you are (your personality) is a huge factor in understanding what type of career will give your life meaning, purpose, and fulfillment as an adult.