What should a student consider before transferring to a different college?
I am senior and am considering transferring to a different school as I feel unsatisfied with the college culture as well as the teaching methods of many of the professors in my program. #college #college-transfer #transfer
5 answers
Ken’s Answer
Hi Mounia!
Sorry that you are dissatisfied with your school.
Since you have so much invested in your current school, there are some steps that you could take before you make such a drastic move, as you cannot be sure that all of your credits will transfer, among other uncertainties.
- talk to you academic adviser and honestly express your feelings and see what he/she has to say
- talk to the department head of your major department and do the same
By looking a another school from the outside, it is difficult to determine if you might not run into the same concerns at another school, so it is better to first deal with those issues where you are. Try this and let me know what happens. Grass many times looks greener on the other side of the fence, but they may be using green paint.
Please keep me posted.
Kim’s Answer
As I have recently returned to school, I am curious what you are experiencing. I got my B.A. in 1983.
Started attending a Jr. College a couple years ago with the thought of getting an Associates in Paralegal Studies. Having some background in Law, I found the courses too basic, AND, some of the information the professors were putting out was actually wrong. Given it was a small department, and conflict with the professor would be the end of my studies there, I dodged it. A semester later, I left. This year, I started pursuing a Masters in Legal Studies. Before going to this school, I got permission to sit in on a few classes, to see the difficulty of the lessons. So far, so good. I would encourage you to do the same.
If you are not feeling challenged, you might want to do what you can to seek out the more challenging professors. A lot of college students are there for the piece of paper, and not to learn. I think all schools have some easy and popular professors. To carve out the best education possible for the money you are paying, you need to research the ratings of the professors. Also, I thought you were close to graduating? If you change schools, you might need additional credits. Please keep that in mind.
Best of luck!
Yasemin’s Answer
I wish you the best and hope this helps!
Paul’s Answer
socraticarts.com Roger Schank has some new ideas about wasting time in college. Much of college is bad regardless where you go is what he says. Not all agree with his big untested ideas about how to learn. Read some of his ideas and decide for yourself. Get out without prolonging the pain by shuffling the deck. Talk to the school as someone said here, maybe they will respond. If
Aurora’s Answer
Also, I would strongly recommend speaking with someone you trust like close friends, advisors, or professors you do like to see if the issue is really the instruction/professors or if you have had a change of heart regarding the subject matter.