Which major is easiest to find a job in business school?
Many people tell accounting is best major but I don't like it. #accounting #business-school
5 answers
Vincent’s Answer
Hi Ena,
Mikio is right. Too many people tend to choose their career by looking at the salary or the perspectives.
At first, you should really choose a subject that you like. Think about it, most of your time, you're going to spend it at your workplace. If you don't like what you're doing, you ain't going to be happy.
There are so many options with wonderful perspectives. I'm sure you are going to find yours.
My advice: if you want to know if you're going to like a job, look to the description of a job post. It's a good way to know how your future job could look like.
Mikio’s Answer
Don't think in these terms, think in these terms:
-What is your passion (what do you enjoy doing)
-Which passion will allow you to buy a home, take care of a family, have a flexible work schedule, travel etc (or what you desire)?
-What are the top companies hiring in your area
-What are the current salaries of those jobs
-What is the projected growth of those job
-Which job is urgently needed in the private and public sector
-What are the top jobs for business majors https://www.monster.com/career-advice/article/best-paying-jobs-business-majors
Jacob’s Answer
Hi, Ena,
I know this is not a very timely answer but I want to provide you with a resource I found extremely helpful. I echo the sentiments of the answers you already received - focus on what you think will make you happy. The career guide linked below is extremely beneficial and absolutely worth taking the time to read. I hope it helps - I have gone through a similar crisis of confidence in what I ultimately want to do for my career. I think this guide has provided a framework for analyzing how best to find something that helps solve an important problem and make me happy. Good luck!
Jacob recommends the following next steps:
Albert’s Answer
Gaby E.’s Answer
To add to the 2 comments above, accounting is the safest major, but if you don't want to work in accounting, then don't go through it! As long as you have good grades, good experience (even as a student), get reasonably involved and network well, you'll land a fantastic job!
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