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What should I do to prepare for college?

any tips and advice?

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Milka’s Answer

Hello Daisy, I asked myself this question after I graduated off of high school. Through experience I realized the best thing I could do to earn a high GPA is to stay organized by creating a monthly and a weekly plan/to do list for myself. This skill I've developed has greatly aided me in achieving a high GPA. I can't stress this enough... if you want to achieve a high GPA in college, create a schedule for yourself especially if you're working part time. The transition from high school or any other situation to college can be overwhelming so aside from being organized, developing note taking skills helped a lot because the content can be heavy. I recorded my lectures every class with the permission of my professor and spent a lot of time taking those notes. Although they were time consuming, they helped get the information in my head. These are two of the biggest things that got me through my first year in college with success. I hope this helped you and don't worry, you will learn everything you need to know along the way! :)
Thank you comment icon Thank you, this is really helpful. Daisy
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Ashley’s Answer

Not sure if this has been said already, but figure out some tools on how to get organized and plan out your time. I think getting a really nice daily planner that has the hours listed out will help you to prepare for college. Practicing and figuring out systems now will help you as you start classes.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice. Daisy
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Nathan’s Answer

Hi Daisy! I don't believe you can always be fully prepared for college, but that's okay! Some tips i wish i knew before college was to learn how to plan out your work. You will have a set amount of work you will have to do every week, and you will need to plan that work according to your schedule. I would get used to planning things out everyday of the week. Also try to always stay on task, its very easy to get distracted, but that's where the planning comes in. Plan you work out at the beginning of every week and stick to your plan you made yourself. You can do it! be confident and be enthusiastic about learning things to help aid your future.
Thank you comment icon Thank you for the advice! Daisy
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M’s Answer

Hi Daisy! This is a great question! The idea of college can be overwhelming, but as long as you put in the work and stay organized you will do great! I would recommend, that you really learn time management, and this is a valuable skill for life in general. Don't put off tasks, procrastination will only make things harder. Additionally, stay clean and organized! Write things down or add things to your calendar, I cannot stress how far organization can take you. In order to prepare for college, I would recommend implementing these skills in your day to day life right now. If your going to school, make sure you write things down in your planner and complete assignments as soon as you can. Or let's say if you do not have much going on, plan to keep your space clean, write this down and complete the tasks ASAP. Implementing these changes into your daily life will show not only make things easier for you but allow you to have more time for yourself, which is important! Hope this helped and good luck!!
Thank you comment icon I appreciate this, thank you for the advice. Daisy
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Sokhamala’s Answer

Some ways to prepare for college is to have a positive mind set. It can be very stressful at times, but just remember to stay positive and remember what your goals are for college. I think it is important to also prepare yourself mentally because you will be away from family at this time, if you are going away for college. You will definitley be home sick and miss your family at times, try bringing something that makes you feel comfort while being away, this could look like a picture or maybe even a recipe that's your family's go to. This can help you feel at home and not make you feel so far away.

Other ways to prepare for college is to make sure you know the campus and are comfortable navigating it! Go see your classes ahead of time so that you are not lost on the first few days!

If you are staying on campus or at dorms, make a list of everything you will need to bring. Also make note of what is and what isn't allowed at dorms. Some things you may need may be a lamp, comforters, hangers, toiletries like shampoo, conditioner, etc, drawers for clothes, desk if they aren't provided, cooking/kitchen stuff if you have a kitchen, laundry hamper, etc

Thank you comment icon Thank you so much! Daisy
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Madi’s Answer

Hi, Daisy! Congratulations on being college bound!

There are many things you can do to prepare for college. Here are some of the things I did:
- Joined my class year's Facebook group/GroupMe in order to meet friends before the semester started.
- Took a tour of the campus so that I could be familiar with the layout of the campus.
- Created a checklist of items I would need for my dorm room (if you are living on Campus).
- Researched the classes that I would need to take for my major.
- Bought a planner to organize all my classes and assignment due dates.

Additionally, there are many websites and articles that can provide you with a checklist of things to do before you begin your semester. I would suggest downloading one of them and customizing it to your liking. Good luck!
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Yong-Er’s Answer

Hi Daisy! Entering college can seem very overwhelming, and I remember asking myself this question when I was entering college. As mentioned by others, learning how to properly manage your time and to keep a calendar/schedule for all your due dates is very important, since class dates can sometimes be hard to remember. Another tip would be to look over all the syllabuses you receive from your professors at the beginning of the semester. All classes on the first day usually go through their syllabus, which displays all the due dates and tests throughout the semester. Writing all of the due dates down on a planner is very beneficial, because some professors will not mention due dates in class. I hope this tip helped!