Where can i get experience in animation and game development?
The job i want want requires 2+ years of experience in game development animating characters. #animation #computer-games #career-details
4 answers
Corey’s Answer
Scott’s Answer
If you went to college and did some animation there, you could list that as some of your experience. If not, then you'll want to get involved with your local indie game scene (if there is one - if not, get together with some friends and make some games!) and try to connect to a project that some people are working on. You could offer your services on an indie game board (there's an indie game facebook group that is pretty good). You could also look for internships.
Another thing to consider is - if you have strong work, try applying for the job anyway. Sometimes when a great artist comes by and can demonstrate quality work we don't stick to the "years of experience" thing as closely. Show that you can do the work, and do it well, and if you're the best candidate they may hire you anyway.
Eric’s Answer
Hello! There's no time like the present to start getting experience animating and developing games. If you have access to a computer and the internet, then you have access to the software.
Here's one way to go about getting some experience-
Download a game engine like Unity or Unreal (both are free!!!) and start watching tutorials on how to use the software. Unity offers free, complete projects with accompanying video tutorials to help you learn. Download a free 3D animation program like Blender, or if you are a student, you can download Maya or Max for free from Autodesk. Again, watch tutorials and learn as much as you can.
Once you start to understand how to use the software, make animations and make games. Keep doing it. You will get better. Find people to collaborate with. Participate in game jams. Go to local events in the game industry, like events hosted by the IGDA, for example. Keep making things! Stay passionate!
Once you have been building yours skills for a few years, and if you have practiced and learned diligently, you should start having enough quality work to show in a portfolio. Once you know what you're doing, to a fairly decent extent, start applying for entry level jobs.
The most important thing you can do right now is get started. Don't wait for some magical day like the first day of college. Those who are successful, go after what they want, seek knowledge, learn from others and put in long hours. You can't wait for inspiration to strike, you have to just start doing it.
You CAN do it, if you really want it.
Good luck!
Gates’s Answer
If you want to animate for games then you will need to learn some different computer programs. Which programs depends on the type of game you like to make, and on if you want to be designing the visual aspects of games or coding or both. There are lists available online of the different softwares you can try and what they are good for ( https://www.gamedesigning.org/career/software/ ) . A friend of mine named Gabe Cuzzillo started making his own games in college during a class, and he was able to meet a lot of cool people at the game center at his university. Start with some simple projects using a program of interest. Also reach out to independent game creators like my friend and ask for tips.
Gates Callanan