2 answers
Were you completely prepared to do whatever it takes to become a veterinarian?
Did you have an iron mind to do whatever it takes to get what you wanted
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2 answers
Ssekitoleko reagan’s Answer
am a collaborative person who can work and live with any one in a society. So I had to change my minds and forget all my past . Like for example I compare this to roll -coaster even if it takes you to scaring points just raise your arms, open every nerve so that you enjoy the experience
Veronica’s Answer
Being a veterinarian is pretty much all I ever wanted to be as far back as I can recall. My first book series I read several times over was Dr James Herriot's "All creatures, great and small". You need perseverance, determination and resilience to get in and get through it. Support from family and friends helps a lot particularly when things get 'tough" and they will get tough. Talk to veterinarians, vet students if you can. They can also give you different perspectives and more advice.