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Why did you become a pharmacist ?

Hello! My name is Lizeth and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the pharmacist field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment.
1) What profession did you choose? Why?

2)How many years of college did you need to go through?

3)What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job?

4)How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field?

5)Were you in a college program?

6)Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date?

7)Did you shadow another professional in the field?

8) Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession?

9) Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years?

10) What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career?

11) What was the last stressful situation you encountered in your job, and how did you react?

12)What's one challenge you occasionally or regularly face in your job?

13) What is your philosophy with medicine and treating patients

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Stefan’s Answer

1) What profession did you choose? Why?

I decided to become a pharmacist because pharmacy could offer a stable career. People will always take medications and need advise on health-related issues. Learning about pharmacology and pharmacokinetics is also quite interesting.

2)How many years of college did you need to go through?

I went to university and got a Bachelor of Science degree in pharmacy. Now, the entry level degree for pharmacy is PharmD degree.

3)What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job?

I have mostly been a retail pharmacist and pharmacy manager for companies such as Rite Aid. However, my most recent job was as a remote position with a start-up/mail order company. The company recently closed our location now (although they do continue to operate in other states).

4)How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field?

Ph.D degree would not be necessary for the most part in the field of pharmacy. Unless, perhaps you might go into research or industry. I would say less than 5% of pharmacists pursue a Ph.D

5)Were you in a college program?


6)Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date?


7)Did you shadow another professional in the field?

There are internships that are required during pharmacy school.

8) Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession?


9) Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years?


10) What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career?

Pharmacology, physiology, management, data entry, immunizations, travel health, MTMs, customer service

11) What was the last stressful situation you encountered in your job, and how did you react?

speaking with patients who received a prescription that was filled in error is always stressful. Fortunately, it does not happen every day.

12)What's one challenge you occasionally or regularly face in your job?

Keeping up with changes in the industry such as new medications, new information technology, and also changes in the pharmacy profession such as providing immunizations prescribing medications for things like travel health.

13) What is your philosophy with medicine and treating patients

I believe medications are extremely important and it's important that there are pharmacists who can let patients know how to take them safely.