If you want to work with animation and developing a cartoon TV show do you have to take different art classes that require you to draw realistically?
My dream is to have my own cartoon show one day but I am only capable of drawing cartoons, I struggle when my teachers assigns me to draw realistically. #animation #cartooning #tvshow #television #artist #drawing
4 answers
Kid’s Answer
Not really but it all helps. Any and all education you can get is helpful in animation.
Good luck
Florence’s Answer
Gates’s Answer
If you feel like you can not draw "realistically" that is ok! If you are going to art school, the chances are you will be required to take a Figure Drawing class. This class will be extremely helpful to you if you want to create a cartoon and especially helpful if you want to create an animation.
Some people may think that the goal of figure drawing is to draw the figure like a photograph. This is not true.
What you should focus on in a figure drawing drawing class is the motion and the lines that the body creates. You can capture motion and expression in as little as five lines. Drawing like a photograph is not at all necessary to create a cartoon or animation. What IS necessary is being able to draw motion and expression. A Figure Drawing class will help you with this and I highly recommend taking this class if it is available to you. If it is not, you can try drawing your friends and family- just the people and the positions of their bodies.
Also focus on drawing faces and capturing expressions. Even if your faces do not look exactly like who you are trying to draw, did you still make a face that has the same feeling as your laughing friend? Or your angry bother? Or your confused cat? Gesture of the body and face are so important for cartoons and animation. If you practice these you will be able to create really cool animations!
Some books to check out are "Understanding Comics" and "Making Comics" by Scott McCloud
John’s Answer
Most animators can draw the human figure realistically and very, very well. Start with simple gesture drawings. Do not be concerned with being "realistic", only capturing the essence of the pose. Gesture drawings are very quick (usually no more than 15 -30 seconds) and scribbly. Ask someone to pose for you. They could pretend to be doing something (some sort of action or heroic pose, or even curled up sleeping). Have them change pose every 30 secs. You have to draw the entire person in that time so you simply don't have time for realistic details. Google the term "line of action" and find it in each pose. Remember, you can do it, but it takes time and dedication. No short cuts. It will make your cartoon drawings MUCH better and prepare you for animating.
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