2 answers
What is it like to be working in Nasa?
I am asking this because i think that's really cool.
Do you guys go out like the astronauts?
#science #nasa #space
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2 answers
Michelle’s Answer
My father worked for NASA as a chemist. While there are astronaut opportunities, most of NASA is composed of scientific research. If you are interested in the astronaut aspect, you might want to look at specific opportunities in Houston or Cape Canaveral as this is where the bulk of the astronaut activity resides.
However, beyond the astronaut component, there are many exciting opportunities at NASA including the jet propulsion laboratory.
There are opportunities in many different scientific fields: astrophysics, astrobiology, geophysics, chemistry, etc. Additionally, there are tons on opportunities for engineering, in particular aerospace engineering.
NASA is generally good about providing tours. You may want to see if you can go on a tour of the NASA in Houston and get a look at it. https://spacecenter.org/field-trips/
However, beyond the astronaut component, there are many exciting opportunities at NASA including the jet propulsion laboratory.
There are opportunities in many different scientific fields: astrophysics, astrobiology, geophysics, chemistry, etc. Additionally, there are tons on opportunities for engineering, in particular aerospace engineering.
NASA is generally good about providing tours. You may want to see if you can go on a tour of the NASA in Houston and get a look at it. https://spacecenter.org/field-trips/
Ram’s Answer
I've never even been at a NASA facility. Based on conversation with one of my friend's experience, which is not much, it has been fantastic. Work will be challenging enough to keep his interest, tons of opportunities to expand knowledge through internal trainings, tons of opportunities to pursue research endeavors, and cool things that his fellow cohorts are doing really blow his mind. He worked with some of the smartest people in the US and he said it is just fabulous. He cannot leave out the work-life balance that enables flexible hours to recharge. He really have no complaints.