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How do I know what job is right for me and I’m sure what college I wanna go to and if it’s what I wanna do?

I’m in 8th grade and I’m going to be taking college courses next year but I also don’t know what I wanna study in, I have interior designing in mind but I feel like there are other things that I could do that I might like better. I’m trying to find a good career that will be a good fit for and I’ll enjoy it.

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9 answers

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sabin’s Answer

In this amazing era we're experiencing, especially with the vibrant new generation, it's all about pursuing your passion and navigating your way through it. There's no need to confine your skills or career to a single path. Chances are, you'll incorporate essential interests and topics that will prove useful in any future profession. Over time, you'll discover what truly captivates you, and remember, there's never a wrong time to make a switch.
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Theresa’s Answer

Enrolling in college courses can be a fantastic strategy to discover the career path that suits you best. At times, we may be drawn to a certain profession, but as we delve deeper and gather more information, we realize it's not the perfect fit. So, why not explore a variety of classes? You never know where this exciting journey might lead you!
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Roel’s Answer

Consider exploring the various courses on offer and pinpoint those that spark your curiosity. Once you've identified the classes that captivate you, it's a good idea to prioritize a select few. This will give you a clear vision of where your skills and passions could potentially align.

Deciding the direction of your studies or career can often be challenging. However, by sampling diverse areas and striving to broaden your understanding in multiple fields, you can make an informed decision. This approach will not only boost your confidence in your chosen path but also help you identify where you can make a significant difference.
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Amalya’s Answer

You should follow your academic passions and interests. Try to better understand yourself and make a decision based on your greatest dreams and goals.
Your occupation should be relevant to your talents, abilities and career aspirations.
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Elizabeth (Betsy)’s Answer

Hello Addie,

It's fantastic that you're starting to think about your future now. I recall having similar thoughts during my 7th and 8th grade years, which greatly influenced my high school choices. In addition to the excellent advice already given, here are some actionable steps you can take:

1. Understand that it's perfectly normal to frequently change your mind during your teenage years. Rather than stressing over a specific career or job at this point, spend some time jotting down activities you enjoy and excel at, as well as subjects that pique your interest. Keeping a journal or using sticky notes on a bulletin board can be beneficial in this process.

2. As time passes, you may notice certain patterns in what you've written. These patterns can indicate subjects that hold significant meaning for you. Discuss these patterns with your high school guidance counselor, who might be able to link you with opportunities for further exploration. For instance, my artistically inclined son had the chance to volunteer at an art school one summer, providing him with firsthand insight into its operations. Similarly, you might consider spending some time with local interior design firms to understand how they function.

3. As your interests become more defined, they will guide you towards potential career paths and corresponding college courses. This will be particularly useful when the time comes to apply for university.
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Dino’s Answer

Hello Addie, how's everything going? I appreciate you reaching out to us. You've asked an excellent question! Your inquiries take me back to the times when I was teaching my students. Please don't fret, you're not alone in this. Even adults grapple with such concerns, not just young, bright minds like yours.

Choosing a career path is a deeply personal decision. It's crucial to take into account your strengths, capabilities, talents, preferences, hobbies, aptitude, personality traits, and intellectual capacity. These are vital elements to consider in this process. By doing so, you'll be able to make well-informed decisions.

Remember, when someone achieves their dreams, it's often because they pursued what they were passionate about. They found joy in what they did, and that made all the difference. You're still young, with a world of opportunities to explore various career paths.

We encourage you to embark on this journey of career exploration because we want to see you succeed in your chosen field. There's no room for error when it comes to investing in your education - it involves money, time, and effort. We want you to chase your dream career from day one.

Dino recommends the following next steps:

Visit your counselor or career counselor and ask some help for your career exploration.
Visit the library and read occupational handbook and try to select at least 3 of your career interests.
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Jeni’s Answer

Hello Addie,

It's truly impressive to see you taking such proactive steps towards your future career. The fact that you're already contemplating your path and have ideas about what you might enjoy is a tremendous advantage - many people don't start this process until much later.

Your interest and enthusiasm for interior design are commendable. It would be beneficial to have a conversation with a career counsellor about the variety of roles and opportunities that exist within this field. Furthermore, I encourage you to delve deeper into what fuels your passion for this area. Consider a wide range of options within this field, which will allow you to select a study path that offers you the freedom to explore various possibilities until your path becomes crystal clear.

Wishing you all the best on this exciting journey!
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Melissa’s Answer

Hello Addie,

It's fantastic to see you're already contemplating your future profession! The process of identifying a career path and selecting a college major can be thrilling, though at times it may seem daunting. Here's some uplifting guidance to get you started.

Start by reflecting on your leisure activities. What hobbies or pursuits bring you the most joy and engagement?
Evaluate your strengths and areas for improvement. Which school subjects do you shine in, and which ones present less of a challenge?
Think about the kind of difference you wish to make in the world. Do you aspire to assist others, innovate, problem-solve, or something else?

Begin your journey by researching various professions online and utilizing career exploration websites and books to gain a deeper understanding of different fields.

Practical Experience:
Get involved in clubs, organizations, or extracurricular activities that align with your interests. If you're passionate about animals, for instance, volunteering at an animal shelter or joining a wildlife club could be beneficial. Engage in career discovery programs or summer camps if they're accessible in your vicinity.

Engage in Conversations:
Don't hesitate to inquire about the careers and educational journeys of your teachers, counselors, and family members. They could provide valuable insights and suggestions.

Maintain Flexibility:
It's perfectly fine if you don't have your entire future mapped out at this moment. Many individuals shift their careers several times throughout their lives. Stay receptive to new opportunities as you continue to learn and develop.

Explore Academic Paths:
As high school approaches, start investigating college majors that correspond with your interests and potential career aspirations. Participate in college fairs or workshops whenever possible.

Develop Skills:
Think about enrolling in courses or developing abilities that might be pertinent to your interests. This could involve coding, learning a new language, or taking art classes. Khan Academy offers excellent resources for free training.

Stay Inquisitive:
Keep exploring new subjects and activities. The more you understand about the world, the better equipped you'll be to make informed decisions about your future. It's perfectly normal to feel unsure about your future career at your age. The secret is to stay inquisitive, seize various opportunities, and keep an open mind as you discover more about yourself and the world. Your interests and goals may change over time, and that's absolutely fine!

Hope this guidance proves useful! You're already on the path to success by exploring your options early!
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Jacob’s Answer

It's great that you're already thinking about your future, but remember that it's absolutely okay not to have everything figured out in 8th grade. Here are some steps to help you navigate your career and college choices:

**1. Self-Discovery:**
- Start by exploring your interests and passions. Think about the subjects, activities, or hobbies that genuinely excite you. Reflect on what makes you feel fulfilled and engaged.

**2. Research Careers:**
- Look into various careers, including interior design, but don't limit yourself. The world of work is vast, and there are countless opportunities. Read about different professions, watch documentaries, and seek out firsthand accounts from professionals.

**3. Talk to People:**
- Speak with adults, teachers, family members, or friends who have diverse careers. Ask them about their experiences, what they love about their jobs, and any challenges they've faced. This can provide valuable insights.

**4. Extracurricular Activities:**
- Engage in extracurricular activities related to your interests. Join clubs, take art or design classes, or participate in community projects. These experiences can help you develop skills and clarify your passions.

**5. Career Assessments:**
- Consider taking career assessments or quizzes designed for students. While they're not definitive, they can suggest careers that align with your personality traits and preferences.

**6. Volunteering and Internships:**
- Look for volunteer opportunities or internships in fields that interest you. Hands-on experience can help you gain a deeper understanding of a profession and determine if it's a good fit.

**7. College Exploration:**
- Keep exploring colleges and universities. Attend college fairs, visit campuses, and explore their academic programs. Look for schools that offer a variety of majors in case you decide to change your focus.

**8. Academic Flexibility:**
- When you start taking college courses, choose a variety of subjects. This will allow you to explore different disciplines and discover new interests.

**9. Seek Guidance:**
- Talk to your school counselor or career advisor. They can provide resources, guidance, and advice on academic and career planning.

**10. Stay Open-Minded:**
- Remember that your interests and goals may evolve over time. Be open to exploring new possibilities and adapting your plans accordingly.

**11. Enjoy the Journey:**
- Don't rush the process of self-discovery and career exploration. Enjoy the journey of learning about yourself and the world around you. It's normal for your path to take unexpected turns.

**12. Embrace Change:**
- Be open to the idea that your career may not follow a linear path. Many people switch careers multiple times in their lives, and each experience can be valuable.

Ultimately, finding the right career and college fit is a journey. It's about discovering your passions, developing skills, and making informed choices along the way. Keep exploring, learning, and staying true to yourself, and you'll be well on your way to a fulfilling future.