What do u have to do and work on to get into UCLA? What are the requirements and what do they like to see from a student?
I am in 9th grade and it is a little early to be thinking about college but I want to start working on everything to have good grades and other stuff so I could get into UCLA and I would like to know what I have to do to get to that level. So I could get in cause I really want to go to UCLA. #college-major #UCLA
2 answers
Annjanette’s Answer
Congratulations on wanting to make UCLA your college of choice! UCLA Admissions has a great link to the requirements for high school students that are interested in attending UCLA: http://www.admission.ucla.edu/Prospect/Adm_fr/fracadrq.htm
Take a look at the link. This is a good start to answering your questions about admission to UCLA. I hope you have nothing but success!
Jennifer’s Answer
Congratulations on starting your college-bound experience. It's not too early to start thinking about your goals and setting your priorities and expectations. Universities will look at everything you do beginning in Grade 9 on to determine your admissability. I commend you for being proactive!
As you know, UCLA has a competitive admissions process. I would recommend looking at the UCLA Undergraduate Admissions website (http://www.admission.ucla.edu/infoprospective.htm) to become familiar with the requirements and materials needed for applying. In addition, if you have the ability to visit campus - GO! Regardless, reach out to the admissions counselor at UCLA who recruits at your high school (http://www.admission.ucla.edu/meet-your-counselor.htm). If an appointment isn't possible, email and ask thoughtful questions about what they look for in a potential new student. They can give you some direction and offer insight.
You may also learn about opportunities for high school students to engage on campus during breaks or the summer. http://www.ucla.edu/search?qa=programs%20for%20high%20school%20students
Opportunities abound! Take advantage of the resources around you and enjoy! Wishing you all the best -
ucla college-admissions