How lopsided is the men:women ratio in STEM fields?
As a female looking to go into a STEM field, I'd like to get a little insight into how much of a minority women will be. #women-in-stem #stem
6 answers
May’s Answer
Though the number of females in STEM fields is increasing, the ratio between men and women is still very large. You can help change that! Don't be intimidated. If it is something that you love doing, go for it. - May
Jacob’s Answer
Shelley’s Answer
It really depends on the field within STEM. Here is a study that talks about the breakdown between men and women and various STEM fields:
However, as mentioned, it's getting better.
Robert’s Answer
Donna’s Answer
I work in Telecom Engineering and even though the ratio is still highly male dominated, the trajectory is changing. Don't let statistics move you away from the challenge. If you love Science, Technology, Engineering and/or Math, please continue your pursuit. There are many women's groups that encourage young women into the STEM fields and even provide mentorships.
Speaking frankly, it is quite satisfying when you find your niche in a STEM field, and all of a sudden men are coming to you for guidance and advice in the field. I won't lie sometimes it has been an uphill battle to earn respect and gain a foothold for promotions. But that is changing and evolving everyday. As human resource administrations focus more and more on inclusion and diversity, only greater innovations are to come.
See you soon in a STEM career made for you.
Donna recommends the following next steps:
Tom’s Answer
It's very lopsided, but now is your chance to correct the imbalance. We desperately need diversity in STEM field and I would encourage you to pursue the path. We need you! The benefits to doing so are great. You can: Work for a great company, engage in a field that makes a difference in the world, great pay and benefits, and bring diverse thought into the realm of engineering (whichever discipline you choose).
I appreciate your interest in the realm of engineering. Do not be intimidated. We need you!
Thank you,