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Why does the math i do not make since like it should my Teacher always try's to explain it but I still do not Understand it most of the

Why does the math i do not make since like it should my Teacher always try's to explain it but I still do not Understand it most of the time It is real hard

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Rafael’s Answer

Math can be challenging to understand, even with explanations from your teacher. There could be several reasons for this. It's possible that the way your teacher explains the concepts doesn't align with your learning style. In such cases, it can be helpful to explore alternative resources, such as online tutorials or seeking assistance from a tutor or a friend. Additionally, sometimes there may be gaps in our foundational knowledge that make it difficult to grasp new concepts. Regular practice and reviewing earlier material can help fill those gaps. Maintaining a positive mindset and seeking help when needed are also crucial. Remember, everyone learns at their own pace, and with persistence and support, you can improve your understanding of math!
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Patrick’s Answer

Amalia , I want to first thank you for reaching out and asking your questions regarding your struggle with math. I want you to know that it is completely normal to encounter challenges in understanding certain mathematical concepts, and I appreciate your determination to seek clarity. I want you to know that your concerns are valid. I hope the information that I have below provides you some insight and/or help.

Math can indeed be a complex subject, with different students understanding concepts at varying speeds. If classroom explanations aren't clicking for you, try viewing math as a sequence of building blocks, where each concept forms the basis for the next. If you're having trouble with a specific topic, try pinpointing the basic concepts causing the confusion. By strengthening your grasp of the fundamentals, you can collaboratively build a robust understanding of more complex topics.

Here are a few strategies you might find helpful:
• Make use of your teacher's office hours to collaborate on an approach that fits your learning style.
• Utilize online resources for additional examples and clearer explanations of the problems you're struggling with. For instance, Khan Academy - - was very helpful for my son's math studies.
• Consider setting up study groups with your peers to collectively discuss concepts. Peer collaboration often brings new viewpoints to the table.

Also, consider exploring other resources like online tutorials, which can provide alternative viewpoints on the topics you're studying in class. Remember, learning is a journey, and everyone moves at their own speed. Your dedication to mastering the material is admirable, and I'm confident that with perseverance and tailored support, you'll achieve the understanding you're striving for.
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Wayne’s Answer

Hello Amalia! Tackling math can seem like a daunting task, but remember, it's a key stepping stone on your path to academic success.

Math might appear to be a tough nut to crack, but it's not impossible. It's just like learning a new language or mastering a musical instrument - it requires patience, persistence, and lots of practice. But rest assured, you've got what it takes to conquer it!

Don't forget, there's a wealth of resources at your disposal. If your school offers free tutoring, make sure to take advantage of it.

And here's a bonus tip - there are numerous online math tools that can make your learning journey smoother. They can be a great companion during your tutoring sessions. You can explore them at this link --

Keep going, Amalia! You're doing great, and success is just around the corner. Good luck!
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Chih’s Answer

Don't worry, many people find math challenging at times, even with a teacher's help. It could be due to different learning styles or feeling a bit anxious. To make math more enjoyable, try practicing regularly, exploring different resources, don't hesitate to ask questions, and consider getting a little extra help from your match teacher or tutor if needed. Stay positive, and you'll improve over time! 😊
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Jasmin’s Answer

Hello Amalia,

I completely relate to your struggles with Math, as I've been there myself, grappling with concepts that seemed tough and teachers whose explanations didn't quite click. It's truly admirable that you're dedicating time and effort to get better at this subject!

Here's a little advice that might help. Don't hesitate to approach your teacher after class. Ask them if they could slow down a bit or explain the concepts in a different way. You'll be surprised at how helpful this can be.

Also, consider turning to your friends or family members. They might have their unique ways of understanding these concepts, which could work for you too.

Finally, the internet is a treasure trove of resources. There are countless videos online that explain these concepts in simple, easy-to-understand ways. So, go ahead and explore them.

Remember, every step you take towards understanding Math better is a victory in itself. Keep going, Amalia!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello 'Amalia,

Understanding Difficulty in Math

It’s not uncommon for individuals to struggle with understanding math concepts, even with the help of a teacher. There are several potential reasons why this might be the case.

Learning Styles and Preferences

One possible reason for difficulty in understanding math is that individuals have different learning styles and preferences. Some people learn best through visual aids, while others may prefer hands-on activities or auditory explanations. If the teaching method used by the instructor does not align with the student’s preferred learning style, it can lead to difficulties in understanding the material.

Foundational Knowledge Gaps

Another common issue is foundational knowledge gaps. Math is a subject that builds upon previously learned concepts, and if there are gaps in a student’s understanding of fundamental principles, it can make it challenging to grasp more advanced topics. For example, struggling with basic arithmetic can hinder comprehension of algebraic equations.

Cognitive Factors

Cognitive factors can also play a role in understanding math. Some individuals may have specific cognitive challenges that make certain mathematical concepts more difficult to grasp. Conditions such as dyscalculia, which affects numerical and mathematical processing, can present significant barriers to learning math.

Anxiety and Mindset

Feelings of anxiety or a negative mindset towards math can also contribute to difficulties in understanding the subject. Math anxiety is a real phenomenon that can impede learning and problem-solving abilities. Additionally, if a student believes they are inherently “bad at math,” it can create a self-fulfilling prophecy where they struggle to comprehend mathematical concepts.

Instructional Approach

The instructional approach used by the teacher may also impact a student’s ability to understand math. Effective teaching involves not only explaining concepts but also providing opportunities for practice, feedback, and real-world applications. If the instructional approach does not cater to diverse learning needs or lacks clarity, students may find it challenging to understand the material.

Support and Resources

Access to support and resources outside of the classroom can also influence a student’s ability to understand math. Additional tutoring, educational materials, or online resources tailored to individual learning needs can make a significant difference in comprehension and mastery of mathematical concepts.

In conclusion, difficulty in understanding math can stem from various factors including learning styles, foundational knowledge gaps, cognitive factors, anxiety, instructional approach, and access to support and resources. Identifying the specific challenges faced by an individual learner is crucial in addressing their difficulties with math.

Top 3 Authoritative Sources Used:

Harvard Graduate School of Education: This source provides research-based insights into effective teaching methods and strategies for addressing diverse learning needs.
American Psychological Association (APA): The APA offers valuable information on cognitive factors that impact learning, including conditions such as dyscalculia.
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM): NCTM is a reputable organization that provides guidance on best practices in mathematics education and addressing challenges in understanding math.

These sources were instrumental in providing evidence-based insights into the various factors contributing to difficulty in understanding math.

James Constantine.