What path should I pursue if I'm interested in history and business degree?
#loveboth #history #business #choosing-a-major #college
7 answers
Andrew’s Answer
Hello Micheal,
To better narrow down your degree field, It would be better to know what type of history you like. Are you interested in military history, European history, etc. Also, you may try looking into economics as a degree field. Economic analysis can be used throughout businesses and it can be studied throughout history including WW2 and even as far back as ancient Egypt.
Ernesto’s Answer
You have many paths available under history and business degree, in fact many universities have discovered that many of their history graduates go on to become lawyers, but what is most important for you to understand that history majors jobs will eventually require a graduate degree. The opportunity to become business, geography or library science is obviously another choice. Since you want to focus on a business degree you might want to consider taking on a position for conducting market research, collecting and analyzing data, uncovering and understanding the past in order to prepare for the future and identifying flaws, errors and inaccuracies in data. At the end a Master of Business Administration Degree will be the end state for this compelling field.
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CLAUDIA’s Answer
There are many paths you could go down with this combination! Considering I went down a similar path I am familiar with many of the options. Many people with this combination go on to be lawyers. You could also work in museums or government owned facilities. Many large business firms also employ historians to keep track of their history and progress of their companies. You could go into education or higher education where there are many opportunities such as a professor, a TA, research assistant, or working within the history department for starters. There are so many possibilities you may not be aware of. My advice would be to take the time to find what really interests you about the combination of both and go from there!
Ryan’s Answer
Ryan recommends the following next steps:
Elizabeth’s Answer
What is your biggest interest and career goal is what you would first consider? If you know you’re going to be working at a corporation then you can get a degree such as a bachelors in business administration but have a minor in history. I have a bachelors in business administration but when I was doing my associates degree I got my associates in applied science in business technology with a Medical subspecialty. That is because I do interest in business but also may be working in a medical office or as a medical assistant at that time.
Josie’s Answer

Ann Gianoglio Burk, MBA
Ann’s Answer
Hi Michael,
I apologize for not answering your question sooner. I have been thinking about it, and I have more questions than answers. I may be able to help you, if you can give me more insight by your interests in both history and business. What to you like about history, and what parts of history are you most interested in. What about business interests you? Are there any careers you have heard about that sound interesting to you? Thank you!