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How to get marketing internships ?

How can I get into Marketing and get internships within that field in order for me to get a head start. I’m currently a college freshman in the second semester.

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Krystle’s Answer

Hi Deandre,

I currently work in marketing within a tech company in the US, I settled in New York almost 10 years ago after moving over from the UK...and here are my top five tips that helped me.

1) Update your resume and be sure to include all of your extracurricular activities, hobbies, classes, passion projects that relate to marketing. Future employers love to hear all about the cool, innovative, fresh things that students are working on!
2) Join some recruitment agencies - this is one of the best ways to have recruiters find you both part-time or full-time work in marketing that suits your skillset.
3) We live in the digital era so leverage LinkedIn and network, network, network, it's a great way to meet like-minded individuals and employers!
4) Check out the face-to-face networking events in New York, there are so many cool events that are free to attend, where you can meet prospective employers.
5) Have faith and don't give up...the perfect internship is out there waiting for you!

Wishing you all the best along your journey!
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Sarah’s Answer

Hello Deandre!

I'm thrilled to share that I've brought on board a new intern for our team stationed in Brazil. The selection process involved numerous interviews, and it was certain skills that truly stood out and influenced my decision. Here are three key traits that resonated with me:

- Communication: The way an individual communicates during an interview is crucial. It's not just about being assertive, but also about being concise and addressing the most important points effectively.

- Confidence: Embarking on the interview journey can be daunting, especially when you're new to the industry. However, don't let this deter you from believing in your potential. Managers are always on the lookout for diverse knowledge and skills within their teams. Displaying confidence and maintaining a positive attitude can make a significant difference.

- Eagerness to Learn: I firmly believe that a humble and open-minded individual can be a valuable addition to any team. As a newcomer, you have the unique advantage of bringing fresh perspectives to the table. Always exhibit your willingness to learn and grow.

Now, if you're aiming to break into the world of internships and want companies to notice you, here are three useful tips:

1. Keep your LinkedIn profile updated and actively participate in marketing communities.
2. Engage in marketing projects within your university to build your network.
3. Seek opportunities to expand your marketing network through event participation or volunteering. This not only enhances your experience but also provides real-world examples of your abilities. For instance, my current intern previously managed all communications for her church, using her voluntary work to demonstrate her skills and expertise.

Remember, have faith in yourself and never shy away from initiating conversations when job hunting. Everyone begins their journey from different starting points, and it's entirely up to you to seize the opportunities that come your way.

Wishing you the very best!
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Angelina (Yun Chu)’s Answer

Hello Deandre! The first and most crucial step is to prepare a compelling resume that effectively highlights your marketing skills and experiences. Your resume can feature any marketing-related projects that you've been part of, whether during your marketing courses or outside of school. Remember, a well-crafted resume is often a prerequisite for internship applications, serving as a tool for recruiters and HR personnel to assess your suitability for the internship role.

If you've been part of multiple projects, it would be a great idea to create a portfolio showcasing your work. This could be a website or social media platform where you display your completed projects, documenting aspects like the project's background/intent, the process followed, data collected, ideas brainstormed, and the final deliverable.

As for finding internships, you're in luck! There's a wealth of resources available to you. Numerous companies advertise their internship programs on online job boards such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor. Other effective strategies include attending career fairs on campus, networking with individuals working at your desired company or position, reaching out to local businesses about potential internship opportunities, or assisting non-profit organizations with their marketing campaigns. There's a world of opportunities out there, Deandre, so go ahead and seize them!
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Colleen’s Answer

Hello Deandre,

I often advise young individuals aspiring to enter the marketing field to consider non-profit organizations. These entities are always in need of assistance, and internships at such places can provide an excellent opportunity for gaining practical experience. You'll have the chance to participate in all aspects of marketing and advertising, with a particular focus on event marketing and fundraising. This exposure will help you identify your true interests within the field.

While working with non-profits might not offer a high salary initially, it's worth noting that when you're at the beginning of your career and accustomed to a budget-friendly lifestyle, the financial aspect may not be the primary concern. What's more crucial is the invaluable experience you'll gain and the impressive addition it will make to your resume. This will undoubtedly serve as a strong foundation for your future career in marketing.
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Michaela’s Answer

To secure marketing internships and get a head start in the field of marketing as a college freshman, here are some steps you can take:

1. **Build Your Skills and Knowledge**: Take relevant coursework in marketing, communications, advertising, and related fields to build your foundational knowledge. Additionally, consider acquiring practical skills in areas such as digital marketing, social media management, content creation, and data analysis through online courses, workshops, or self-study.

2. **Join Marketing Clubs and Organizations**: Participate in marketing-related clubs, organizations, or student chapters of professional associations (e.g., American Marketing Association, Public Relations Student Society of America). These groups offer networking opportunities, guest speakers, workshops, and industry events that can help you connect with professionals and learn more about the field.

3. **Network with Professionals**: Attend networking events, career fairs, and informational interviews to connect with marketing professionals and learn about internship opportunities. Reach out to alumni, faculty members, and industry contacts for advice, mentorship, and potential internship leads. Building relationships with professionals in the field can open doors to internships and future career opportunities.

4. **Gain Experience Through Projects and Volunteer Work**: Seek out opportunities to gain practical experience in marketing through internships, part-time jobs, freelance projects, or volunteer work. Offer to help with marketing campaigns, social media management, event planning, or content creation for campus organizations, local businesses, or nonprofit organizations to build your resume and portfolio.

5. **Research and Apply to Internship Programs**: Research companies, agencies, and organizations that offer marketing internships and apply to their internship programs. Explore internship listings on job boards, company websites, career services portals, and professional networking platforms like LinkedIn. Tailor your resume and cover letter to highlight relevant skills, experiences, and achievements that demonstrate your qualifications for the internship.

6. **Utilize College Career Services**: Take advantage of resources and support offered by your college's career services office. Attend workshops, resume reviews, and mock interviews to enhance your job search skills and prepare for internship opportunities. Career services advisors can also provide guidance, advice, and assistance with finding and applying to internships in the marketing field.

7. **Be Proactive and Persistent**: Be proactive in your internship search and follow up on applications or inquiries with employers. If you don't receive a response initially, don't be discouraged; continue to explore other opportunities and reach out to new contacts. Persistence and determination are key to securing internships and advancing your career in marketing.

By taking these proactive steps and leveraging your resources, networks, and skills, you can increase your chances of securing marketing internships and gaining valuable experience in the field as a college freshman. Keep learning, networking, and exploring opportunities to grow and develop your marketing career.
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Katharine’s Answer

Hi--I think the most important thing to do is to ask yourself a few questions about what industries interest you. And then make a list of those industries. After you have a few industries--you can research your area for businesses or organizations that would be a good fit for your interest.
You can then reach out to the HR department for those organizations. Most HR organizations are happy to speak with you about available internships--but you need to really show your interest.

Practice answering questions that may come your way--such as why are you interested in interning with us, what makes you passionate about the work we're doing, how can other experience you have help this organization. Remember its about selling yourself, but also knowing the organization or business and what they may need.

Always be polite and curious, people will give you their time if they know that you are willing to work hard and network. They may not have an internship opportunity to provide to you--but they may in the future--or they may know of another company or organization that could use an intern like you. It's about making the effort--preparing and being open to learning about yourself and different industries.
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Amanda’s Answer

At this early point in your college experience where you may not have as much directly applicable work experience to show, think about where you can gain marketing experience in the extracurriculars you may already be involved in. For example, can you help with social media posts for an organization you're a part of, or join a committee that helps plan events for your school/extracurricular club? As you move forward, you'll continue to build your resume with relevant courses, internships, and leadership positions.
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Lauren’s Answer


First, begin by investigating companies that provide opportunities that pique your interest. Once you've identified these companies, take the initiative to connect with them on professional networking platforms like LinkedIn. This will demonstrate your keen interest. As a college freshman, consider exploring smaller local companies or even your own university for potential internship opportunities. Additionally, it's beneficial to compile a portfolio that includes pertinent coursework or personal projects. This portfolio will serve as a tangible demonstration of your skills and capabilities.

Hope this helps!
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Darren’s Answer

Identify several target organizations and do research about them. Have a portfolio of your past work (whatever that may look like as a college freshman), and try to align your skills to show how you could benefit that organization. Sometimes, the best internships are at smaller companies. Easier to get in and you can get more exposure to more facets of the business.

Be bold and simply contact the company through the HR department or perhaps make a contact through LinkedIn.
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Nina’s Answer

Hi Deandre,

I am majoring in Management, Marketing, and Psychology and a place that I really liked looking for internships was LinkedIn. I felt like it made looking for an internship easier than most of the other platforms that I had tried using in the past, because it had filters and short descriptions of the internships, which made it easier manage. As a freshman, it may be difficult to find an internship because companies typically look for juniors; however, you can do job shadowing at a company, in their marketing division. You can also still try to get an internship by applying to those that interest you. You can reach out to people working in that company, which may make it easier for you to be able to convince them to look past your school year. I also would not mention it unless they specifically ask what year you are in school. It is amazing that you want to get internship experience early on and I wish you all the best!
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James Constantine’s Answer

Dear Deandre,

Guidelines to Secure Marketing Internships for College Freshmen

As a college freshman aspiring to launch your marketing career and obtain internships in the field, there are several strategies you can employ to enhance your chances of securing meaningful opportunities. Here's an actionable guide on securing marketing internships:

1. Establish a Robust Foundation:

Academic Achievement: Strive to maintain a high GPA as many firms consider academic records during the internship selection process.
Related Studies: Enroll in courses related to marketing, communications, advertising, and business to establish a robust knowledge base in the field.

2. Cultivate Relevant Abilities:

Digital Marketing Proficiency: Get acquainted with digital marketing tools and platforms such as Google Analytics, social media management tools, and email marketing software.
Creativity: Enhance your creative abilities by undertaking projects that display your capacity to think creatively and generate innovative marketing concepts.
Analytical Prowess: Master how to scrutinize data and extract insights from marketing campaigns to exhibit your capacity to make data-driven choices.

3. Acquire Hands-On Experience:

Participate in Marketing Clubs or Organizations: Engage in marketing-related clubs or organizations on campus to network with peers and acquire practical experience through direct involvement in projects.
Freelance Endeavors: Provide your marketing services on platforms like Upwork or Fiverr to gain real-world experience and compile a portfolio of work.
Pursue Part-Time Marketing Positions: Seek part-time roles at local businesses or startups where you can utilize your marketing abilities in a real-world context.

4. Foster Connections:

Participate in Networking Events: Attend industry events, career fairs, and networking sessions to engage with professionals in the marketing field and discover internship opportunities.
Leverage LinkedIn: Develop a professional LinkedIn profile showcasing your skills and experiences, and connect with professionals in the marketing industry for potential mentorship or internship opportunities.

5. Assemble Your Application Documents:

Resume: Craft a targeted resume that emphasizes your relevant coursework, skills, experiences, and achievements in marketing.
Cover Letter: Pen an engaging cover letter that articulates your passion for marketing and your interest in interning at a specific company.

6. Apply with Precision:

Research Firms: Identify firms that provide marketing internships that align with your interests and career aspirations.
Personalize Your Applications: Adapt your resume and cover letter for each internship application to demonstrate how your skills and experiences align with the company’s needs.

By meticulously adhering to these steps, you can enhance your chances of securing valuable marketing internships as a college freshman.

Top 3 Credible Sources Used:

Harvard Business Review: The Harvard Business Review offers insights into contemporary trends in the business realm, including advice for securing internships and progressing careers in areas like marketing.

Forbes: Forbes is renowned for its coverage of business news, entrepreneurship, and career guidance. It provides valuable resources on how students can navigate the job market and secure internships in competitive fields like marketing.

LinkedIn: As one of the most extensive professional networking platforms, LinkedIn is an invaluable tool for connecting with industry professionals, exploring internship opportunities, and gaining insights into the latest trends in the job market.

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Rafael’s Answer

Hey Deandre! Here are some casual tips for you in order to secure marketing internships as a college freshman. Make sure to take classes that are relevant to marketing and develop skills in areas like digital marketing and social media management. I advise to join clubs or groups related to marketing to get hands-on experience and meet professionals in the field. Don't forget to start looking for internships early on and customize your resume and cover letter to highlight your skills and coursework. It's important to attend career fairs to network with industry folks and stay up-to-date on the latest marketing trends. Also, practice your interview skills and keep at it until you land that internship. Good luck!