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Should I worry about AI taking over the possible jobs as a business major?

I want to make absolutely sure that I have security in my career in the future.

And in the case that AI does take many people's work in business, what are some business-related careers that AI probably won't bother with?

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12 answers

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Bonnie’s Answer

Hello Camilla, don't let the idea of AI intimidate you or influence your career decisions. Yes, AI is becoming increasingly prevalent, but rather than viewing it as a threat, consider it an opportunity. It's a tool that can help us accomplish more and concentrate on aspects that boost our individual productivity at work. I highly recommend that you continue to pursue your desired job or career. Wishing you all the best!
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Jared’s Answer

AI is fantastic at creating initial drafts, summarizing, generating options, rewriting, etc -- so, it will reduce effort and thereby can affect the number of workers needed...BUT, AI does not often provide final products/writeups/art withoiut human engagement (as of now), teh ebst workers will learn to MULTIPLY their impact by learning to use AI tools and making themselves more valuable to their employees through the AI advantages of speed, ideation, etc
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Vera’s Answer

I'll add that investing in your soft skills can help increase your future job security. For example, being a "glue" for the team, somebody who can build solid, trusted relationships, and connect the dots between people, teams, and initiatives. These are highly valuable and transferrable business skills, that are incredibly hard for AI to duplicate.
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Edward’s Answer

AI is an emerging field and we're essentially at the dawn of its evolution. As we move forward, AI will impact everyone's lives, and positioning yourself at the forefront of this global transformation is crucial for prosperous employment, successful business, and influential community leadership.

I highly recommend immersing yourself in the development of AI, exploring educational opportunities that offer a basic understanding and concepts, and focusing on industries that are most likely to harness AI's potential.

AI is not just a trend, it's the future, and it's set to expand enormously. Ensuring your career and business are ready to leverage the benefits of AI is the smart move. Industries such as manufacturing, streamlined assembly, computing, and logistics are just some of the arenas where AI will shine. So, embrace this change, and be part of the AI revolution!
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Ayomide’s Answer

While AI is a blossoming technology, some people are worried about it possibly taking over jobs. However, I'm convinced that AI will actually boost our capacity to automate tasks like the cleaning robot you see tidying up the grocery aisle. In this case, AI is lending a hand in cleaning, freeing up grocery store employees to shift to other tasks like personal shopping and restocking the shelves. As AI continues to evolve, it's important to remember that human oversight is always necessary to ensure the technology is working as it should.
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allan’s Answer

Technology is always advancing, and while it may seem like some careers are being affected negatively, it's important to remember that this evolution often opens up new career opportunities. These opportunities could be in entirely new fields, or they could be innovative ways of doing business in existing fields. Rather than fearing AI, I would suggest keeping an eye on the latest AI trends. By doing so, you'll be able to spot new job markets that AI is set to create. So, embrace the change and look forward to the exciting opportunities it brings!
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Chinyere’s Answer

Hello Camilla,

While there is a possibility that AI may automate certain tasks within the business field, it's important to remember that AI will also create new opportunities and increase efficiency in various areas. As a business major, you can adapt and thrive by focusing on developing skills that complement AI rather than viewing it as a threat. Here are a few points to consider:

1. Adaptability: Emphasize skills that are difficult to replicate by machines such as critical thinking, creativity, problem-solving, leadership abilities, emotional intelligence, and strategic decision-making.

2. Collaboration and Communication: Jobs requiring effective interpersonal skills like negotiation, relationship management with clients or partners, team collaboration, and public speaking are less likely to be replaced by AI as they rely heavily on human interaction.

3. Ethical considerations: Roles involving ethical decision-making or governance of AI systems will become increasingly relevant in the future as businesses grapple with moral implications surrounding automation.

4. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Focus on cultivating an entrepreneurial mindset along with innovation skills, since new businesses emerge alongside technological advancements – creating opportunities for those who can leverage technology creatively.

5. Data Analysis and Interpretation: Business analysts who can extract meaningful insights from vast amounts of data generated by AI systems will continue to be essential in making informed decisions for organizations.

6. Customer Experience Management: Positions centered around understanding customer needs deeply through market research or designing personalized experiences will remain valuable as they require empathy and human touch in delivering exceptional service.

7. Strategic Planning and Foresight: The ability to anticipate trends, devise long-term strategies for growth in dynamic markets while considering ethical implications often requires complex decision-making processes where human intuition plays a crucial role.

Remember that embracing lifelong learning is key because technology evolves rapidly; staying updated with industry trends allows you to proactively adjust your skill set accordingly.
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Elizabeth’s Answer

As AI continues to weave its way into the fabric of business operations, it's natural for employees across all sectors to have your question. The key to thriving in any industry is to embrace flexibility. By gearing up to welcome any wave of new technologies throughout your career, you'll be well-equipped to handle any shifts or changes that AI (or any other emerging tech) might bring to your future aspirations!
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Michelle’s Answer

Hello, Camilla !

I am very impressed that you care enough about your future in the business world to ask this question. It is a legitimate concern that many people are indeed having, so it is a reality. Before I give you advice, I just want to say that you can't really be guaranteed with how the future will be. It is up to you to make informed choices for your personal life as well as your career.

So, let's think about some realms in which it is possible that AI may not replace you. My first idea is, since you are interested in business, opening your own business whether it's for a product or a service. You would have the choices and make the decisions about how to operate your business. Jobs that require physical dexterity, critical thinking and creativity will probably still be doable by yourself in the future. Careers that require judgement and jobs that require emotional intelligence and empathy and also jobs that have complex problem solving, critical thinking and ones that require human interaction would most likely be things you can do yourself.

With your interest in Business, my suggestion would be to open your own business at which you would have a large level of control with or consider going into something like Human Resources at a company. If you work for a company, keep in mind that they may require you to use AI for certain tasks. I would say continue with your degree for business, do not worry about the future and take each day as it comes. With a degree in business there are many options for you and your concern right now is valid and it's smart to explore your options for your future career that you choose.
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Ines’s Answer

As a student of business, it's crucial to acknowledge that even though AI might streamline some mundane tasks, it simultaneously opens up new possibilities. AI has the potential to amplify decision-making processes, boost efficiency, and offer invaluable insights. This, in turn, empowers business professionals to concentrate on the more strategic and imaginative facets of their roles. By honing your skills in AI and Analytics, you can gain a competitive edge in the job market. Rather than fretting, I'd suggest contemplating how to harness AI to propel your career forward and contribute positively to your organization. I trust this advice will be beneficial. Wishing you all the best!
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Josh’s Answer

I know that many people are worried about which jobs may be replaced by AI and which will continue to be done by humans longer. I will offer some adjacent advice to look for the jobs where AI can most help you advance your career as a tool rather than as a replacement for you. Additionally, you can look for the type of career that involves managing the AI itself.
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Suzanne’s Answer

It's great that you're thinking ahead about the impact of AI on your career prospects as a business major. While it's true that AI is transforming many industries, this doesn't necessarily mean that job security in business will be compromised. In fact, understanding and leveraging AI can position you for greater success.

1. Embrace AI as a Tool:

Instead of worrying about AI replacing jobs, consider how it can enhance your skill set. AI is a tool that can streamline operations, provide data-driven insights, and automate routine tasks, allowing you to focus on strategic decision-making and creative problem-solving. Familiarize yourself with AI applications in business, such as data analytics, customer relationship management (CRM) systems, and process automation.

2. Develop Key Skills:

Data Literacy: Understanding how to interpret and use data effectively will be crucial. Learn how to analyze data to make informed decisions and create value for your organization.

AI and Machine Learning Basics: You don't need to become a data scientist, but having a basic understanding of AI and machine learning concepts can help you identify opportunities and collaborate effectively with technical teams.
Change Management: As businesses adopt AI, change management skills will be vital. Being able to lead and manage AI-driven transformations will make you a valuable asset.

Soft Skills: Communication, leadership, and emotional intelligence are areas where AI cannot compete. These skills will always be in demand and are essential for roles that require human interaction and management.

3. Focus on AI-Resistant Careers:

Strategic Planning and Consulting: Roles that involve high-level strategy, vision-setting, and consulting are less likely to be automated. These positions require a deep understanding of business dynamics and human insight.

Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Developing new business ideas and driving innovation are areas where human creativity and intuition are irreplaceable.

Customer Relations and Human Resources: Jobs that require building relationships, understanding human behavior, and managing people will always need a human touch.

Ethics and Compliance: As AI continues to grow, ensuring ethical practices and regulatory compliance will be critical. Professionals in these areas will be essential to navigate the complexities of AI implementation.

4. Continuous Learning:
The business landscape is constantly evolving, and staying updated with the latest trends and technologies is crucial. Pursue continuous education through online courses, certifications, and workshops to keep your skills relevant.

While AI will change the nature of work, it also presents numerous opportunities for those who are prepared. By embracing AI as a tool, honing your unique human skills, and focusing on areas where AI has limitations, you can build a secure and rewarding career in business.

Best of luck with your studies and future career!