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Jared Justus’s Avatar

Jared Justus

Pleasant Grove, Utah
10 Answers
5501 Reads
21 Karma

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Arsh’s Avatar
Arsh May 27 1265 views

Which one is better? ?

I would like to have a job in either human resources or marketing. So I was wondering which option would be better to do in college:
1) double major in psychology and business
2) major in psychology and minor in business

Joshua’s Avatar
Joshua May 30 1370 views

How do I build up and keep a good credit score ?

I’ve been watching and reading about credit scores but I never really understood how to get good credit and keep the credit score up.

Mariaelena’s Avatar
Mariaelena Jun 08 824 views

I am exploring the ways that my skills and values align. I value achievement, commitment, and independence and my strongest skills are related to technology; these included listening, computer, and organizing. Can you help me identify careers where both the values and these skills align ?

I just graduated high school and plan to go to community college for two years and then transfer to Cal State LA

Tyrus’s Avatar
Tyrus Jun 12 1042 views

How does it feel to be an Accountant? Is it challenging?

Define what an Accountant is

Litzy’s Avatar
Litzy Jun 16 927 views

How do I build up my resume while in high school for future colleges?

I am a high school sophomore and I would like to major in business and/or finance, but I don’t know how or what to do in order to convince colleges to give me scholarships.

Kieyana’s Avatar
Kieyana Jun 18 770 views

What advice do you have for someone looking to pursue Logistics & Supply Chain Management?

I am currently returning back to school, after being in the transportation industry for the last 5 years, to pursue a degree in Supply Chain. This decision was made after I sought employment as a PT Supply Chain Specialist for a well-known distributor. I analyze data, facilitate meetings with...

Camilla’s Avatar
Camilla Jun 18 749 views

Should I worry about AI taking over the possible jobs as a business major?

I want to make absolutely sure that I have security in my career in the future.

And in the case that AI does take many people's work in business, what are some business-related careers that AI probably won't bother with?

Arely’s Avatar
Arely Jun 18 1117 views

Which business degree is more profitable in USA, specifically in TX?

I'm on my sophomore year of college, in Accounting, Business and Economics major. I always wanted to study Art, specifically a drawing concentration, but my parents want me to study a "real career", luckily, I am a math person too, and I like finance, accounting, and business in general, but I...

Ayo’s Avatar
Ayo Jun 20 432 views

How does financial life after four years of college compare to only two years of college. Do people hiring care a significant amount about the amount of years you have gone to college if you have skill?

How does financial life after four years of college compare to only two years of college. Do people hiring care a significant amount about the amount of years you have gone to college if you have skill?