Does NHS matter?
At my school, there are a bunch of kids who are in NHS, and they are always praised for their service. When I look at the members, there are some really smart kids in there, but most of them are average students. So my question is, does NHS matter?
#NHS #nationalhonorsociety #resume #honors #college-applications
4 answers

Shalissa Coutoulakis, MSW
Shalissa’s Answer
When I first got the letter, I was excited. I asked around and everyone else I was in school with also got the letter. I don’t know anyone who actually did it because I heard it’s just some extra resources and it wasn’t worth it. Did others around you also get invited to join? Maybe it’s something different? Regardless, if they have a website, I’d check it out. Or give them a call to see what they offer! I hope you can update us with whatever you decide! Good luck regardless!
Hanleigh’s Answer
Richard’s Answer
Michael’s Answer
If its for on a resume for a position it might be helpful in your early career but less so as you gain more relevant skills and experience.