Career questions tagged areospace
Ty'ron1110 views
What is the most successful way to become an engineer?
I want to become an aerospace engineer to help build things. What is the best way to get there? I really don't have experience on it but I want to learn more. What is the most directive way to get there? #areospace #engineering
Lesly3107 views
What kinds of engineers are there and how do they differ?
I am curious to know the kinds of things that different engineers do, like electrical and mechanical. I am curios to know what they do in general and how their majors differ. #science #electrical-engineering #engineering #mechanical-engineer #areospace
Jennifer5161 views
Is there a career that combines aerospace engineering and environmental science?
I really want to go into engineering, but I also want to have a connection into renewable energy. #engineering #environmental-science #areospace