Career questions tagged probation
alexis3339 views
how does your job affect your lifestyle in general?
how does being a juvenile probation officer affect your general lifestyle and how you make decisions #juvenile-probation #probation
alexis685 views
what are your main responsibilities
as a juvenile probation officer what are your main responsibilities on a daily weekly basis? #juvenile-probation #probation
Luke3581 views
If you received a bad evaluation will employee be fired or on probation.
writing a paper on successful employees. #construction #employment #jobs #human-resources #conflict-resolution #probation #losing-job
Princess794 views
What is the best path to becoming an adult probation officer? To elaborate, what entry level positions can I apply for in order to get the experience needed? Is a Criminal Justice degree - Criminology good enough?
I am a few classes away from receiving my Criminal Justice degree and am interested in becoming a probation officer. I believe that most people can be rehabilitated and this is a field that will allow me to help others , while also opening up even bigger opportunities. #criminaljustice #probation