Career questions tagged specialeducation

natalie549 views
What are jobs where i get to work with specail needs children?
im a junior in highschool. i want to help special needs kids learn but in not sure of the teacher setting. I currently participate in a cheer team that combines athletes with and without disiabilities and really enjoy that. #teaching #specialeducation

Michaela596 views
What is a hard obstacle you have had to face and how were you able to overcome the challenge?
#specialeducation #career

Sarah Leah735 views
If I want to teach art to children with disabilities, is it preferable to seek a degree in Art Education, Special Education, or both?
#artist #art #education #specialeducation #teaching

Andrea696 views
How do I know where to look for specific scholarships for the career I want to go in to?
#specialeducation #scholarships #programs