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July’s Avatar


Saint Paul, Minnesota
2 Questions
91 Karma

July’s Career Goals

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July’s Avatar
July May 19, 2016 1239 views

What does it mean to be successful in the United States, keeping in mind the popular belief that it should be in everyone's interest to go to college and find a career?

Sometimes I would like to think and hope that life is more than going to school and working for the rest of my life. However, words such as college, career, jobs, fall into the goals of many Americans as well as many who live here. I would like to explore the question of how this has come to be...

July’s Avatar
July May 19, 2016 1557 views

How does one's home or family environment as a child affect their success in gaining an education and a career in their future?

I want to dig deeper beyond the surface by exploring the parts of a person's lifetime that contribute to their character as a grown-up in the college and career world, and whether or not a better or a worse home situation as a child has any affect on their future success. #psychology...