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Orange, California
2 Questions
106 Karma

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Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 21, 2016 1191 views

What is one thing you wish you had taken the opportunity to learn in college before beginning a career in music/film?

I attend Chapman University, a renowned film school in southern California, and there are many opportunities to learn about both film and music. However there is no real major or minor pertaining to what I'd like to do (music supervision), and so I am simply a business major and film music...

Emily’s Avatar
Emily May 21, 2016 1120 views

What one essential skill do you feel every music supervisor should have?

I am an aspiring music supervisor and, because the field is so unique, education options to prepare me are limited. I have taken a film music class but I would like to hear from experts what they really look for in these individuals and what might help me stand apart from others in my field....