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Maya’s Avatar


Los Angeles, California
2 Questions
106 Karma

Maya’s Career Goals

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Maya’s Avatar
Maya May 24, 2016 1010 views

How different is college and high school?

I have been attending the same charter school for over 9 years. Transitioning into a new environment is going to be harder on me because I've grown up and gotten used to certain people for half of my life. I just want to be prepared and know what to expect before I go into college. #person

Maya’s Avatar
Maya May 24, 2016 1170 views

How will I know of college is the right step for me?

In my family, I am apart of the first generation to attend college. Recently, I've gained some doubts about going to college, because most of my family is not supportive of me attending college. I have been accepted to my dream school and enrolled, but I don't know if I'll be able to continue...