Corban’s Career Goals
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Is it possible to have major in Music and still be accepted into Medical? If so, would it be possible to double major and pass the MCAT?
I love playing my clarinet in Band; however, Band takes up much of my time after school and on the weekends. I fear that in college and universities, band will take up even more of my time. I want to be a doctor, but I don't know if i could still major in music while doing so. #doctor #medicine...

Should I pick a major (Biology) relating to medical school to prepare for Med School, or should I just enter Med School with any degree I want?
I've been to seminars where people have told me to be what I wanted to be, because schools actually like diversity instead of "typical science majors". The only question that they've never answered was if it had given them an easier time understanding difficult concepts in the medical field. I...