Ty'ron’s Career Goals
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What is the most directive route to a boilermaker ?
I want to become a boilermaker to help make water works become better.What is the best way to get there? I don't know any experience on it but I want to learn more. What is the most successful way to get there?
#engineering #boilermaker #construction

What is the most successful way to become an engineer?
I want to become an aerospace engineer to help build things. What is the best way to get there? I really don't have experience on it but I want to learn more. What is the most directive way to get there?
#areospace #engineering

What is the most successful route to become a engineer ?
I want to become an engineer to help construct and building things. What is a strategy or best way to get there? I am a little familiar with things people built around me. What is the most directive way to get there?
#mechanical-engineering #industrial-engineering