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Daly City, California
2 Questions
36 Karma

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Juliette’s Avatar
Juliette Jan 10, 2018 1781 views

What does a day in the life of a sports psychologist look like?

I am a junior in high school and am considering becoming a sports psychologist. I am wondering what a day in the life of a sports psychologist looks like so I can determine whether or not I might be suitable for this profession. #sports #sports-psychology #psychology

Juliette’s Avatar
Juliette Jan 10, 2018 840 views

What classes do I have to take to become a sports psychologist?

I am a junior in high school and am researching different careers I may be interested in performing in the future. I have been physically active and involved in sports for my whole life and am considering becoming a sports psychologist however I do not know how to go about this. #sports...