How do I get portions/all of my student loans forgiven?
Are there companies that offer to forgive student loans for hired professional? #studentloans #student #loanforgiveness #loans #debt #student-loans #finance #financial-advising
3 answers

Ann Gianoglio Burk, MBA
Ann’s Answer
Hi Laura,
Though there may be companies that provide loan repayment as a benefit, this would be rare, and I am not sure where to begin on finding a company that provides that.
However, if you borrowed Federal Student Loans, then there are some options for you. The first would be to apply for the Income Based Repayment program through your lender. If you qualify for this program (your income has to be reviewed every year), then after 25 years of making on time payments, your balance will be forgiven. The other avenue to get loan forgiveness is to work for a qualified nonprofit organization for at least 10 years. If you do so, and you make your payment on time each month for those 10 years, then you can also apply for loan forgiveness. In the next steps, I am going to give you a link that will help you read more about the assistance provided by the government to make loan repayment flexible.
Ann recommends the following next steps:
Rey’s Answer