Do you prefer urban, suburban, or rural campus and why?
I don't have much opportunity to visit and huge variety of colleges and was wondering what others thought of these main settings for a college campus
3 answers
Courtney’s Answer
I prefer a suburban campus. I've spent time at all three types and personally I found that campuses in a rural area don't offer enough activities outside of school to keep students entertained which leads to a lot of partying...because that's all there is to do. For me, I enjoy having access to the city and all it has to offer but I don't like city living because I like nature too much, so that's why I prefer suburban campuses. When I was touring campuses, there was one that was one large state university in a very small town that didn't even have a movie theater. Sad thing is, once you enrolled you had to attend mandatory alcohol counseling sessions and I can only guess that it's because they had a high rate of drug/alcohol use because the students get bored from having nothing to do in town, so they end up partying all the time.
Richard’s Answer
Meridyth’s Answer
Hi Anlsey,
The setting of the college is truly your preference. It all depends on what you are looking for out of your college experience. A rural college may be very far from shopping and activities. You may need to drive a distance to get to the supermarket. A suburban school offers closer locations for shopping and activities. It may be close to a city or urban areas so you can enjoy the perks of those areas but not directly in the city. If you want to experience city life which can be more expensive but has many places to go and activities available, an urban setting is what you are looking for. Take some time to figure out where you would like to spend the next few years. See if there are any opportunities that will be be available to you while you are there. I would also suggest trying to visit a few schools that interest you that may be close to where you are located. You may be able to take a bus or train or drive with a family member or friend. If you can't get to a campus, many colleges offer virtual tours on their websites. Good luck on your search!