4 answers

Jared Chung
CareerVillage.org TeamJared’s Answer, CareerVillage.org Team
Hi @jobseun. I'm going to give this one a try although I'm not 100% sure what your interests are. Yes, it's definitely true that some engineers build software. Those engineers would often be called computer scientists, software engineers, programmers, or developers. They build software but they may not design software. The work of design is going to be done by designers, graphic artists, and specialty designers of one type or another. If you're interested in thinking about how to build software, I'd suggest reading blogs about software design (look for User Experience Design or UXD) and try to find an internship or part-time job working at a software development company.
Angel’s Answer
Software Engineering
Software engineering (SE) is concerned with developing and maintaining software systems that behave reliably and efficiently, are affordable to develop and maintain, and satisfy all the requirements that customers have defined for them. It is important because of the impact of large, expensive software systems and the role of software in safety-critical applications. It integrates significant mathematics, computer science and practices whose origins are in engineering.
Brian’s Answer
There are several paths to learning software design and starting a career developing software. At some universities, software design is taught in a separate computer science department; elsewhere, computer science is part of the engineering department. Either way, software design is considered to be an engineering discipline just like electrical or mechanical engineering. Software design is a very interesting career that combines elements of engineering, psychology, and the graphic arts. The part of the software that you see is called the user interface. The user interface designer makes a series of drawings showing what the user interface will look like during various uses of the software, this work combines engineering and artistic skills. The user interaction designer plans how the user navigates through the various views designed by the user interface designer, this work combines engineering with an understanding of how people think and work. A software architect designs the internal parts of the software. The user interface drawings, user interaction plan, and software architecture comprise the design of the software. The design is passed to software developers who write the code that implements the software. Software design appeals to people who like the combination of engineering and art. Most engineering schools will offer some courses related to software design, but best to ask the school about the depth of their course offerings. How many faculty do they have teaching the course that cover topics related to software design?
Jayne’s Answer
Many, many moons ago (1980's) there was no such thing as computer science degrees or computer programming degrees. Many computer programmers were Engineers which made sense because Engineers are trained problem solvers and working out the logic of programming was an attractive and satisfying pursuit. As a side note, an IT professional at the time told me that the best programmers were actually musicians due to the fact that some solutions were not found from a logical path but a "leap of faith" and musicians were gifted in that art. Anyway, yes, Engineers design, critique and implement software all of the time. Very few Engineering pursuits today do not involve software. If you want to work with software you will be very satisfied pursuing a degree in any Engineering discipline. Actually, an Engineering degree may be more "practical" than a computer science degree because an Engineering degree wil get you a job with less competition than what a computer science degree would provide. There are many countries with a large pool of programmers who keep the job prospects low for a pure computer science degree. At least that is my observation.
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