What is an mechanical engineer and what subjects are needed for this career
I am thing about a second career goal and engineering is something i would like to do #engineering #mechanical-engineer
5 answers
Luis’s Answer
Hi there, Mechanical Engineering is probably one of the broadest subsets of Engineering but pretty much M.E.'s have a solid foundation in Physics. Their work concerns just about anything is moving. Some core concepts for Mechanical Engineering would be Statics and Dynamics, Mechanics of Solids, Fluid Dynamics, Thermodynamics, Heat Transfer, Vibrations and Machine Design. By having an understanding of these concepts you'll be able to consider which materials you'll need in what specific shape in order to design practical solutions to industry-level problems/applications. I encourage you to look into videos of Sinulation softwares like ANSYS Workbench or Soldworks - there you'll find some example of CAE (Computer Aided Engineering) programs that are used to solve Engineering Problems and in the design of anything from a car to an airplane.
Hope this helped!
Wael’s Answer
Davina, could you tell me what are you interested in exactly? As Mr. Huertas mentioned, mechanical engineering is broad and have various fields. If you tell me more about your interests, I would be able to help you way better.
Glenn’s Answer
All great feedback. Engineering is applied science. Mechanical Engineering is broad degree in applied physics. The question that you need to answer is about what excites you. You should focus more on what the jobs are that you would like to do. Then go for the degree that helps you get there.
If you wish to go for a degree in mechanical engineering, take the highest level math classes and physical science classes that you can. If you are interested in applying your ME degree to medical area, you can also take classes in life sciences.
Ken’s Answer
Hi Davina!
Here is a site that will tell you about many areas of engineering and their requirements:
Please keep me posted. I would like to follow your progress.