2 answers
2 answers
James’s Answer
becoming an Electrician is different for every state, the best thing to do is do some research for the requirements for the state that you live in.
this can be done by calling a local Electrical Contractor or call a local trade school that offers an Electrical training program.
this can be done by calling a local Electrical Contractor or call a local trade school that offers an Electrical training program.
Kenneth’s Answer
I believe that until you have some experience, or education, in whichever field you choose to go into, the only non-challenging aspect of it will be getting up in the a.m. and going to work, and even this can be a challenge some days. I don't know where you are in your education, but I would advise you to look into a summer internship, in the field you are interested in, true a lot of them are volunteer, and do not pay anything, or very little, but this might give you a better understanding, as to which field you want to go into. Plus you will gain, I think, invaluable knowledge and skills!