9 answers
Sara’s Answer
Studying medicine takes a great deal of dedication and passion. But medicine is incredibly fascinating and you learn from your teachers, your peers and your patients.
It requires concentration and time but there is nothing more rewarding than trading a day of your life helping others.
As a physician your life is changed forever and you change other lives as well. Your patients become your friends and sometimes even your friends and family.
Try to volunteer at a hospital or clinic
Try a job in healthcare such as orderly or aid to see if this is for you
It requires concentration and time but there is nothing more rewarding than trading a day of your life helping others.
As a physician your life is changed forever and you change other lives as well. Your patients become your friends and sometimes even your friends and family.
Sara recommends the following next steps:
Rachel’s Answer
Practicing medicine requires many hours of study and sacrifice. It is competitive to get into medical school and there are many prerequisites (1 year biology, 1 year inorganic chemistry, 1 year organic chemistry + labs, physics, calculus, and biochemistry). GPA should probably be 3.5 or better. You will also have to score well on the MCAT. However, it can be incredibly fulfilling and worth the effort.
David’s Answer
My opinion is depend if you are good to memorizing and science as well as dedication and passion, don't do it if you are thinking about the money. Medicine normally involve with science and memorization, and for schooling to become a Pharmacist normally takes about 6 years, Pharm. tech like 18 months to 2 years depend on the coursework and time. And if decided to move on to doctor or even Physician Assistance (PA), you will be spending some more years as well. As said this field requires time, dedication, passion, and yourself in order to complete together.
Richard’s Answer
Time management is key. Between lecture, lab and studying, the first 2 years will be grueling. Make sure to leave time for yourself to exercise, eat right and even some socializing.
There will be times during 3rd and 4th year when you will be frustrated by your continued lack of skills and knowledge but just remember that there will be plenty of time to master your specialty during residency.
I take inspiration from the story of the failed Antarctic exploration by polar explorer Ernest Shackleton and his crew as told in the book “Endurance: Shackleton's Incredible Voyage.” Understanding their ability to overcome the incredible hardships and survive teaches me that humans can accomplish anything
Carl’s Answer
She’s absolutely right! There is a big difference in people who successful in what they do and people who excel in what they do. You can have success with hard work, commitment, and effort, however those who really excel do things not because of a title, pay or prestige but because of the passions they chose to pursue. If you do that you will enjoy your pursuits. Not saying it won’t be “hard” to your point, but the journey won’t feel as challenging. There is an old Simon Sinek video you should watch that is commonly used for inspiration and motivation, you can search YouTube or Ted Takes for “start with why by Simon Sinek” . Simon talks about the his concept the Golden Circle and why certain people in history just excel in life, and it has nothing to do with smarts. Hope that helps!
Saranya’s Answer
Studying Medicine despite being hard compared to the other courses, you realise the value of each and every life which you have saved. It is a toughest job as nothing equals serving people and community. With the Outbreak of COVID-19 all the other stream people are also seeking the help of the Medical Team. The satisfaction of saving lives will be the best thing which you get out of this toughest job. Nothing equals or can be compared to people practicing Medicine. People strong by heart and their willingness to give back to society choose Medicine field. When you become a Doctor and guiding the Mother of the child through her maternity process the final result will be like you are giving birth to a new life saving the life of the other as well. That moment is so priceless and you will be treated more like a God. Medicine is the best way to give back to the society. If you are willing to do service and dedicated enough to handle tough situations Medicine is the field that you should choose. Study Hard and be a hero or God in saving someones life.
Maria’s Answer
Make sure that whichever field you choose you have a definite passion for. If you want to help others and you are good in Science and you definitely want to pursue Medicine then look into the different programs at different Universities. You may want to become a Physician Assistant or a Nurse Practitioner if you are looking into other possibilities that allow you to help patients. Ty to volunteer at an office or Hospital and see what area you like and follow your heart. I wish you success in whichever area you choose.
Kaylee’s Answer
It can be difficult but always ask for help from your professors or outside resources because you dont want to get behind and when you do that, it becomes even harder.
Hwal’s Answer
I'm a current PA (Physician Assistant) student learning to practice medicine. I wouldn't say that studying medicine is easy, but I wouldn't say it's difficult either because this is exactly what I want to do. As long as practising medicine is truly what you want to do, the challenges along the way will likely be much less overwhelming. And being a PA is a great way to study medicine because PAs are integral, skillful members of healthcare teams, and you can also graduate and start practising sooner than medical school colleagues. Let me know if you have any questions for me.
Good luck!
I'm a current PA (Physician Assistant) student learning to practice medicine. I wouldn't say that studying medicine is easy, but I wouldn't say it's difficult either because this is exactly what I want to do. As long as practising medicine is truly what you want to do, the challenges along the way will likely be much less overwhelming. And being a PA is a great way to study medicine because PAs are integral, skillful members of healthcare teams, and you can also graduate and start practising sooner than medical school colleagues. Let me know if you have any questions for me.
Good luck!
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