do you have to go to college to be a programmer for games?
i hate school. it's expensive too #software #engineering #gaming
3 answers
Walt’s Answer
So it is possible to have a successful career without suffering four years or more of boredom. There are many different paths to getting into the computer industry, or whatever industry you are interested in. The key is to keep looking until you find a path that suits you. And in the mean time, start doing what you love either as a hobby, or as a side gig, or even working near what you love but in a lesser job role. For instance, if you want to be in aerospace, you might have to sweep the floors in an airplane hangar just to learn from the people there how to get they got there and to see if it is really for you. Jump into your dreams and try things. You have nothing to lose.
Walt recommends the following next steps:
Matt’s Answer
No, you don't have to go to college to be a programmer in the games industry. There are multiple examples of successful programmers who never went to college.
That said, most of the programmers I know went to college. And we do look for college education on the resumes we review. The candidate would have to be fantastic in other ways (long history of successful games shipped) to be a viable pick to come in for an interview.
As an aside, why do you hate school? Too slow? Too boring? Teachers are bad / mad / vapid?
To be a great programmer you're going to have to learn a lot of things. Do some introspection on why you hate school so much. And figure out how you do like learn. Online? Youtube? Practice? Books? Mentoring?